Sunday, May 31, 2009

Season Twelve - So It Begins (Episode 1-3)

Forgot to make any kind of predictions in the last post, so I'm going to have a quick look at the episode list.. I doubt this can really compete with Season Six either, but it's a bit better than Season Eleven overall. Let's start!

Episode 1: Tonsil Trouble
This is a pretty good episode. There's interesting Cartman-Kyle dynamic here, though I have to say that Kyle is once again a bit too hostile towards Cartman for my taste. But he really has to, Cartman gave him AIDS. I think Kyle deserved it for laughing at Cartman, though. The whole consept of Cartman getting AIDS from harmless Tonsil removal surgery is great. There's couple of other good moments in this episode too, so I have to give it 5/10.

Episode 2: Britney's New Look
This is gotta be one of the worst episodes ever. I don't care about any references or shit like that. It's just way too dark to be funny. I don't give a crap about Britney Spears, I think this episode has the correct message, as in, maybe she could be left alone, but still, fuck this episode. Britney's new look is awful. She looks disgusting. I think it might have actually been a good episode if she'd died when she blew her head away. I'm not meaning that she should kill herself, I'm not stating anything against her, it's just that this episode would've been better. Fuck. I'll just shut up and rate it 1/10. The next episode is much better.

Episode 3: Major Boobage
Great stuff. You go from pretty much all-time low to one of the best episodes in a while. Seeing the "Heavy Metal" -referencing world that you get when you cheese made me feel like cheesing. We have plenty of cats in our house.. There's really anything more to this story, but there isn't any need for anything more.. Wait a minute, there's more to it, I just got clouded by all the boobs. There's of course the cat-saving Cartman referencing to Schindler's list. That's great twist too. It deserves 8/10 for this episode.

Episode 4: Canada On Strike!
I didn't remember this was the episode where all those Youtube-references were made. That's definitely a highlight of this episode. The canadian strike is as interesting as it's viewed in this episode. And Denmark isn't exactly the Canada of the Europe, they do not like hockey as far as I know. At least they suck at it. Still, the Youtube-shit makes this episode worthwhile, so 3/10. Butters' version of that song is much better than the original.

Episode 5: Eek, A Penis!
Man, this episode had so much more potential. I was about to get excited when Cartman got to be teacher's substitute. But no, we don't see pretty much anything of that, instead make way for boring stereotype problem kids from other school. It's spoofing some movie and it's not that bad, but there were potential to really funny shit. This was just stale and morally twisted. Mr. Garrison's penis isn't that interesting of subplot, the highlight of that was that duet the mouse and the penis did, and that pretty much sums up how fucked up it was. Anyway, it's fair so let's give it 3/10.

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