Friday, May 29, 2009

Season Eleven Big Bang (Episodes 1-5)

It's again middle of the night, I can't sleep, so what's better there to do than grab something to eat and start watching South Park! It's time for Season Eleven.

Episode 1: With Apologies to Jesse Jackson
I don't know about this one. The niggerguy thing is kind of funny and Randy "apologizing" to Jesse Jackson is ridiculous - albeit bit disgusting. The other part of the episode was the midget-thingy, which didn't really make that much of sense and I failed to find it funny. If the midgetguy is supposed to have black belt in karate you'd think Cartman would be a piece of cake for him. After all, Wendy beat Cartman easily in "Breast Cancer Show Ever". Although the midget was kind of ridiculous, for some reason I still wanted him to kick Cartman's ass. Weird, I thought I like Cartman.. Overall, it's bit stale episode, I'll rate it 2/10.

Episode 2: Cartman Sucks
Oh Cartman, Cartman.. Your stupidity is so frushtrating. This is a decentish episode. Cartman's shit about photography while he shows his pictures - both at the beginning and in the end - is funny. The other subplot with Butters is decent too, not that funny though. My favorite Cartman line here is "there's sort of a- penis in my mouth right here" from the end speech. That's pretty much all there is to this episode, suprisingly little to say here. I rate this episode 3/10.

Episode 3: Lice Capades
Oh, not this lice-episode. That's what I thought at least when it started. But now after watching it again, it wasn't that bad. It's well split with what happens in the real world and what happens in the Clyde's head. The whole lice-subplot is obviously cliche-filled and the accent of the lice sounds stupid, but you're still happy to see the liceguy make it in a safe place. I still have to wonder, why did the vice-president guy shoot him. I mean, it wasn't like he were staying anyway? The better part of this show is the schoolparts etc. But there's isn't anything particularly good jokes in there either. So why the fuck don't I think this wasn't that bad? I don't know, it just works somehow. I rate it 3/10.

Episode 4: Snuke
This is the classic 24 spoof. I haven't watched the series, but I know the stuff (I'd have to be living under a rock not to know). It's nothing that original, but just the parodying something as big of a pop culture thing like this has to work. Cartman is great in this episode. I like how he tries to sound like Jack Bauer. "Not any more you're not" gag is also good stuff. The torturing were disgusting and I can't believe anyone would let that happen. No matter the circumtances. The british were suprising twist in the plot, pretty much loyal to 24 in that sense. I have to rate it only 5/10, though, since it's not really that great.

Episode 5: Fantastic Easter Special
This is pretty fucked up stuff. I don't know whether to hate it or love it. The whole Hare Club for Men idea is lucidrous, while the Stan's question about the connection between dyeing eggs and Jesus resurrecting is relevant. Then the ninjas assault and.. it just gets way out of hand. It's nice to see Jesus first time in a long while. I have to say that the ending is great, I mean Jesus killing Bill Donohue - who was a great villain in this episode. This episode turns from a retarded idea to a fascinating little episode, but still, it's too weird to be considered a true classic. I rate it 5/10.

I'm surprisingly tired. I'm heading to bed now, see ya.

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