Friday, May 15, 2009

Season Eight Starter (Episodes 1-3)

Episode 1: Good Times With Weapons
This is a great episode. It gets a little negative vibe after Butters gets his eye hit with shuriken, but prior to that and bit after that it's just great stuff. What I mean is that you feel the trouble boys are gonna get and Butters get way worse treatment than he deserves in this episode. This episode is great parody of anime. I don't like anime, but this episode is the shit. It could just have been episode of any anime shit, since that's how ridiculous that is. The song is awesome. Let's fighting love. What the fuck man. Still, the ending is bit unsatisfying and I felt bad for Butters, that's why only 6/10.

Episode 2: AWESOM-O
I don't know which frushtrates me more, Cartman being such an asshole for Butters or Butters being so incredibly stupid. So I'm not that big of a fan of these kind of episodes. It has some decent Adam Sandler -parody and scifi references, but that's pretty much it. I didn't find the rest of the episode that funny. I'll rate it 2/10.

Revision: I don't know, I think I was a bit harsh on this episode originally. I mean, some people think of this as a classic and even though I don't find it as entertaining as most, it still clearly stands out from the rest of the episodes that have such low ratings. I raise this to 4/10.

Episode 3: Up the Down Steroid
I don't know about this episode. It's kind of decent, although once again it's not all the boys in the spotlight, it's more of an Timmy & Jimmy episode, although there's Cartman and Kyle having a go at each other partly too. Cartman competing in the special olympics? Who expected him to win anyway? Cartman is really starting to piss me off in these newer episodes. Jimmy taking steroids -plot is clearly ripped of from somewhere and most of the time that's enough to make it funny, but I didn't find this one that funny. Although the "were you masturbating?" question is kind of hilarious. It's a bit better than previous episode, so 3/10 is in order.

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