Monday, May 4, 2009

Season Six: Vengeance (Episodes 7-11)

Episode 7: Simpsons Already Did It
This is sweet episode. Professor Chaos is again trying to destroy the world, but every great idea he comes up has already been done by the Simpsons. In the end Butters starts to go nuts and is delusional, which is sweet because we see ridiculous Simpsons-style for a while. Seaciety-idea is interesting, obviously, since Simpsons did it too! Along with the Simpsons-sequences the best moment in this episode is of course the Cartman singing about seapeople. General Disarray's "Simpsons did it" gets stuck in your head after the episode. But yeah this is a very good episode and I'll rate it 7/10.

Episode 8: Red Hot Catholic Love
Another funfest. This episode doesn't hold back, only few seconds into it and you're watching "Catholic Boat" intro from Randy's mind and it's hilarious. Cartman continues his rivalry with Kyle by winning a bet that you can crap out of your mouth. The way he rubs it in is great. "Kyle's money.." And he's even getting a freakin' medal. The whole shitting from your mouth thing is silly, and the Maxi's sublot in vatican isn't that interesting, but when it turns into an Atari game Pitfall and it's ridiculous again. Lastly I got to mention the General Surgeon's speech from the tv, especially the part "And I base that on absolutely nothing" really cracks me up. Good if bit of a crazy episode, I'll rate it 7/10.

Episode 9: Free Hat
This is also a decent episode. It mocks the remaking of films and such, which is good, because that is ass. There's lot less going on in this episode than the few before it, but still there's the "Free Hat" -subplot. Funny that the episode is named Free Hat, since it clearly is the secondary plot in this episode and the main point is about the movie remakes. There's not as much funny shit going on than like last episode, but still some golden moments, like Trey & Matt telling about rerelease of episode 1 and the parody of Raiders of the Lost Ark. I'll rate it 4/10.

Episode 10: Bebe's Boobs Destroy the Society
This is a classic! One of the episodes I have the most fond memories. I've seen it like four times now and it just doesn't lose it's power. It pretty much relies on one joke, but it so good that it's sweet. It's just great stuff. But to be honest, I think my judgement is a bit clouded. I watched this episode originally with my friends and we laughed the shit out ourselves for it, but now when you compare it to other great episodes, it's pretty much at the same level. The boys acting like apes is ludicrous. Their expressions are the best. The guys essays about Bebe are also great. It's so simple really, but yet so funny. The "ahta" stuff is also great. Great stuff. I don't know, I'm giving it 9/10, just fuck it.

This seems like Season Six is going to be the best by some distance, if this keeps up. Let's do one more, at least.

Episode 11: Child Abduction Is Not Funny
This is a dumb episode, and I'm not meaning that in a completely negative way, it's just that when there's something as random as mongolians ripping Great Wall of South Park down, it's really a bit retarded. But this episode has it's moments, the dumbness of this episode really show at the latter half of the episode when the parents send the kids away and find them later as mongolians. I felt just like Stan in the end. It's silly and rather cheap vehicle of humor. I'll still rate this episode 3/10.

I'd like to do more, but I really can't go all day watching South Park, so this is it for now.

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