Saturday, May 30, 2009

Season Eleven Until Imagionationland

Episode 6: D-Yikes
This episode has moments, but overall, I don't know. It goes maybe too far in 300 spoofing? Feels like a waste of time watching Mrs. Garrison making coffee slow motion. The mexican-stuff were good, and those scissoring scenes are, well at least memorable. But I feel anyway that there's not enough good shit to make it a true classic. Once again it's not the boys as a main character and it's pretty much there were it fails. But I'm not saying this is all bad, I'm rating it 3/10 anyways.

Episode 7: Night of the Living Homeless
This is a bit better than the standard shown so far this season. There's a ton of zombie flick references. But that's not what makes this episode decent. It's the Cartman jumping homeless people and the way it's all the time credited to being Kyle's idea. Great joke and it's pumped to the max. Also the song that the boys sing is great. The episode feels also better than the previous since the boys are again the main characters. I'm rating this 4/10.

Episode 8: Le Petit Tourette
This continues the improvement on eleventh season. There's many good jokes here. The whole concept is funny enough and it's reinforced with Craig's great "If I could.. I'd be so happy" -lines. I don't know anything about Chris Hansen, but apparently he's effective as taking out pedophiles. Speaking of pedophiles, the one's in this episode were great. I just loved their reactions to what the kid with tourette's said. Cartman - Kyle dynamics is great in this one too. This is easily the best show of season eleven so far. Still, I don't think it's exactly one of the greats, meaning that I'm going to rate it "only" 7/10.

Episode 9: More Crap
Oh my god. I remember when this was on tv, I happened to be watching it with my mom. She doesn't watch South Park that much. I guess her whole view of South Park bases on this episode. It's obviously parody about the fact that South Park won the Emmy. That's pretty much only good thing.. Well, I have to say that the way Bono's presented is good too. But this is just too crap episode. I'm sorry had to use that.. It's entertaining, I give it that, so I gotta rate it 3/10. I just want to move to legendary Imaginationland threeparter.

Episode 10: Imaginationland I
Wow, this was as good as I remembered it. The foundation is laid for the rest of the trilogy by Kyle losing a bet to Cartman, and now Kyle has to suck Cartman's balls. This episodes, and all of this trilogy's episodes' greatness stems from familiarity. The imaginationland characters are all familiar and there's also ton of movie references. You gotta love the Saving Private Ryan reference when the terrorist's attack. Ronald McDonald picking up his severed arm.. Classic stuff. The ending is also great. But this whole trilogy is filled with too many great moments to list them all. I'll give this episode 8/10 and we'll talk more in the reviews of remaining two.

Episode 11: Imaginationland II
The most of the stuff that applied in the part one applies to this too. It's great episode too, although I feel that the first one was a bit better. You gotta love the Gladiator reference though. There's obviously a ton of other references in this episode too, but I'm not gonna get in to detail with them. Why I feel this is a bit worse than the first one is because there's more downtime, like when Cartman and Kyle are in the conference room and when they're trying to get the Stargate.. I mean Imagination portal or whatever to work. But it's still great episode, I'm going to rate it 8/10 too.

Episode 12: Imaginationland III
So, the conclusion. Kyle finally sucks Cartman's balls. It's satisfying ending to the trilogy. Great scene, Cartman's expressions are great. They pretty much use up that intruder-joke. One thing I forgot to mention in previous episode's review is that Popeye is just great in this trilogy. Also, the start to this episode is great. Al Gore is still insane and has his part in fucking up everything. But in the end, it works out well. It's still worse than the first two parts, I gotta give it 7/10.

Revision: Well, I'm not going to change the rating or anything like that, but just gotta mention the ending. It's somewhat cheap. Butters just emerges from the blankness and recreates everything? I'd rather had the nuke not go off and some alternate way to end, but guess it's not that bad since it didn't originally bother me as much. Not at least enough to mention it here.

That leaves only two episodes of this season for our final post, but fuck it.

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