Sunday, May 24, 2009

Season Nine: Going All The Way (Episodes 7-14)

Episode 7: Erection Day
So this episode is all about Jimmy's random erection. It manages to be suprisingly good also. For example, Jimmy's idea of earpiece is really, um.. invisible. Funny shit. It's just solid, nothing especially standing out for me. I found the hooker-part mostly appalling and a little random, but it doesn't ruin the episode. There's also some continuity-issues, but they are more rule than exception anyway, so whatever. I just love it when Jimmy hits on women. "I was wondering if I could stick my penis in your vagina?" Classic. Gotta give it 5/10.

Episode 8: Two Days Before Day After Tomorrow
This episode makes mockery about Day After Tomorrow and the reactions of hurricane Katrina. It is really as dumb as this episode suggests. So it's right on the point again. Some Cartman-Kyle interactions in this episode were plain weird. Like the ends Cartman threatening Kyle with pistol and such. The most of the time this episode were just too dumb to be really that funny. But anyway, it's has fair points so I rate it 3/10.

Revision: I just gotta wonder my scale here a bit, this is again one of those spots where I'd rather watch any other episode rated 3/10 than this. So it drops to 2/10.

Episode 9: Marjorine
Overall I like this episode. In their commentary, Matt & Trey commented that there's too much going on and when you think of it like that, that's true. But I don't mind. I have to agree with them though that the ending is dissatisfying. But the whole idea is just hilarious. The boys having all this effort to get that "device" from the girls. Lots of good scenes like Butters "killing himself" and he talking in the phone to his "mom". And when you see that it really could have been two good episode's with this much of good material. But I don't count that as a negative thing, so overall it's good one, gotta give it 6/10.

Episode 10: Follow That Egg!
For some reason I always think of this as some early episode, like season three or something. It has that old feel to it, though Wendy and Stan not being together should ring some bells for me. But this is a decent episode again. It's about gay marriage which is obvious subject for an episode. Stan-Kyle -dynamic is nice in this one, I like the line "Well, so is your hat". The Stan's obvious feelings for Wendy are there, but the episode still ends with the great line "Like I give a crap about what you think, Wendy." It's good stuff and nice to see once in a while something that has nothing disgusting in it (unless you count gays as disgusting, though I'm meaning something visually appalling). I give it 6/10.

Episode 11: Ginger Kids
This is another decent episode. Now I don't get what Trey & Matt has against ginger kids, but anyway this manages to be entertaining. Cartman's speech is funny, the whole daywalker idea is there and gingers start to get discriminated. It's also obvious that Cartman is going all Hitler for the gingers in the end. Also what the fuck is that guy "got everything you need?" The scene were gingers captures other kids is great. So it's decent episode even though I don't completely get the subject. I give it 4/10.

Episode 12: Trapped in the Closet
This episode made it in the top 10 episode -DVD for Trey & Matt, and I see why, but it's not really only the episodes merit. It's most since the controversy it caused and such thing, it blew the whole thing off. This episode caused Isaac Hays' departure and lots of shit. But if you're a serious fan, you know all that shit. Is this really that good of an episode? Of course not, but it's still fair. It's your standard South Park goofiness and I have to say that the scientology explanation bit is satisfying. All that evil lord Xenu shit and such. The closet-thing is standard humor and it works. Also R. Kelly -character is funny and crazy as shit. But yeah enough about this overhyped shit, I rate it 5/10 and we'll move on.

Revision: Well I said that it was overhyped, but I still gave too much weight for the fact that it was Matt & Trey's favourites and gave it more than it deserved. 4/10.

Episode 13: Free Willzyx
This is one of those episodes that I have seen couple of times on someones worst episode nomination. But to be honest, I don't really see why. Whales are a dull idea and this has some things that are disturbing, but it's still not that bad. Especially when it originates the detailed sketch of the boys which is by now legendary. The guys at the booth are assholes and you're glad to see at least other of them die. The end screen for some reason is disturbing to me. I mean it would have been ok if it just stuck there for couple of seconds and then the credits have hit, but now it's there few seconds in haunting silence and then the credits goes on it and it's still silent the whole time. Enough about it, I rate this 3/10 and we'll move on.

Episode 14: Bloody Mary
I'm exhausted. Luckily, this is the last episode of the season. I haven't been that productive in any of these reviews and now I'm just blank. The thing with these newer episodes has been that there really isn't that much moments that really stand out. Some episodes aren't even that funny, but they always got a good point or some background thing which kept you entertained. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. Anyway, this had me a bit frushtrated with Randy's stupidity, but there's nothing new there. I have to say that the karate teacher and references to him in the end were a bit corny. Man, I'm tired. Let's end this shit by rating it 3/10. I like how the emphasise the ass when they report about virgin Mary bleeding. From her ass.

Revision: Once again not good enough episode to be really 3/10. I don't know why I do these fuckups.

Overall, Ninth Season was a very solid season. It didn't have that many high points, but not many low points either and it just grinded out good average of 4,93. But to be honest, tenth season seems just the real contender to drop Season Six from it's throne. But we'll get back to that.

Standings so far:
Season Six 5,29
Season Nine 4,93
Season Four 4,82
Season Five 4,43
Season Eight 4,43
Season Seven 4,27
Season Three 4,18
Season One 3,92
Season Two 3,39

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