Monday, May 11, 2009

Season Seven I can't come up with anything (Episodes 5-9)

Episode 5: Fat Butt and Pancake Head
What the fuck did I just watch? This episode is fucked up beyond believe and I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad one. I honestly have to say that I laughed aloud to this episode. I don't do that a lot. Some stuff is disgusting at the same time that it's funny, like when Affleck licks Cartman's hand and then Cartman jacks him off. The songs are great. The ending is amazing too. It seems that this episode has everything going for it, it's just so absurd that I don't know what to think. Fuck it, I'll just rate it 6/10.

Episode 6: Lil' Crime Stoppers
This is actually very good episode. Not the most memorable one, but some good stuff in this too. Those CSI-style flashbacks are great and ridiculous. There's lot of other cliches used, but it's once again one of those episodes where boys are more of an bystanders. I mean they just stand there and the criminals kill themselves. Partly dissatisfying, but overall decent episode. I'll rate it 4/10.

Episode 7: Red Man's Greed
I don't know about this episode. It's really hard for me to relate any kind of native american stuff, since I'm not american. Besides I have lost painful amounts of money gambling so that's not cool to be reminded of that. The most frushtrating moment of this episode is when they win with their 10k and then bet everything in again. Then there's Alex, and we're like "who the fuck is that?" The in.. native american laughing style isn't funny to me, it's just annoying. So I didn't like this episode, I'll rate it 2/10.

Episode 8: South Park Is Gay!
I'm not that fond with this episode, but it's decent, I guess. The crabpeople thing is just insane. It's umm.. interesting to see gay versions of the characters, but all this Kyle left being an outcast is just like "been there, done that". Overall plot isn't that good, but it has some semi-good moments. I rate it 3/10, let's move on, next one is one of my all time favorites.

Episode 9: Christian Rock Hard
As I said, this is one of my all time favorites. It's the classic plot of Kyle and Cartman getting into a competition and Cartman obviously winning. And as always, it gets fucked up in the end. It's just great to see the process and the whole idea is sweet. But the best thing is obviously the songs. Wish I would heard the full songs, too bad there's not enough time to show them. The rest of the boys get into a strike against piracy. That's good subplot too and I agree to the point it is making, but I'm still against piracy. But I'm not here to talk about piracy. It's a great episode and I just have to give it 9/10. Only thing dropping it from perfection for me at least is the ending, which is anti-climatic. I mean as I've said I like Cartman. I don't like seeing him getting farted at by Butters.

That's enough for now.

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