Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Season Ten First Half And Beyond

Episode 1: Return of Chef
They gave proper goodbye to Kenny in Kenny Dies, and now Chef receives the same treatment. It's a really good episode, especially when you think that they already had to do without Isaac Hayes who departed due to the scientology-controversy. Everything in this episode makes perfect sense and it's funny as hell. I couldn't stop laughing when Chef told he wants to put his balls inside Kyle's rectum etc. This episode is also great analogy to their stance in the real-life situation. Chef dies one of worst deaths ever in cartoons, but is then ressurrected as Darth Chef. So loads of great stuff in this. I'm obliged to rate it 9/10.

Episode 2: Smug Alert
This is a decent episode too. I like Cartman-Kyle rivalry, but when it gets too far it's annoying, but in this episode Cartman actually saves his life and that is a good thing. The George Clooney oscar speech smug cloud and global laming are couple of funny things that are in this episode. Also the whole "Good for you" "Thanks" gag was funny. And yeah I gotta point out too the Ike's tripping balls. He's totally tripping balls. What I don't like in this episode is Stan's gay little song, though I think he gets a little harsh treatment because of that. All in all, it's episode worth rating of 6/10.

Episode 3: Cartoon Wars I
These twoparters are always tough ones to rate. Because this is a great as a whole. I think that this first one got to be the worse one, but it's not bad. The Family Guy mocking is reasonable, I've never cared for that show at all. I love South Park, think Simpsons is good also, King of the Hill is reasonable.. But Family Guy is just like "who cares?". Nothing original and the points made in this episode, though I never really thought of why I didn't care for the show before this episode. But I could try talking about this episode for a change. It's main subject of course is the free speech and it stems from the Muhammad-pictures from the Denmark. It's all good, there's definitely point to that. But let's talk more about that in the second part. I rate this one 6/10.

Episode 4: Cartoon Wars II
This is the better one of these two, not by much though. In this twoparter the Cartman & Kyle rivalry really went to the extreme, but it was done well so it didn't bother me. Bart ganging up with Cartman is also great addition. Also the King of the Hill staff makes a cameo. The final battle is epic and the retaliation is massive. In this two-parter I loved the usage of news footage of Al Qaeda bosses etc. Especially after the retaliation cartoon, the guy goes like "Yeah there you got it", it seems at least, then there's of course the fake subtitles, don't remember exactly what there's but whatever. I also love the bits of self-irony that there is in this episode. It's a memorable twoparter and this gets the rating of 7/10.

Episode 5: Million Little Fibers
I used to hate this episode, while my little brother seemed to think that is the funniest shit ever made. I don't hate this as much any more, but it is a bit weird. I love Toweleeie, but even he is a bit dull in this episode. What really steals the show are Oprah pussy and asshole. And that pretty much sums it all up. It's partly funny, but it just goes waaaay to far to the absurdity, so I'll rate it only 2/10.

Episode 6: Manbearpig
I don't know about this episode. Al Gore is ridiculous character, which is good, but it goes to the point where he is really annoying. You start of like the other characters feeling bad for him and laughing at his funny antics like saying "serial" instead of serious and "excelsior", but he ends up being antagonist and driving you nuts with his idiocy. Cartman's treasure subplot is pretty good, especially I liked the dialogue after Kyle wakes up while Cartman is staring him close-up. Decent stuff, but I'm going to rate it as low as 3/10.

Episode 7: Tsst
Well, tough one to rate. I kinda like it, but the other boys are in so small role.. Well, just fuck it. The concept of the episode is good. Nice idea to have "dog whisperer" to finally get Cartman to behave. Nanny-parts were decent, but that part was simply better. I also like the sequence where Cartman tried to get a place for the night. Especially from Craig. This episode explains some of Cartman's behaviour and there's character deveploment, at least until the end where Cartman's mom "hits the reset button", if you will. But all-in all decent episode, I'm rating it 5/10.

Episode 8: Make Love, Not Warcraft
I despise WoW and all similar MMORPG:s. But putting that aside, this is good episode and it is kind of anti-WoW. It's cool to see the 3d-animation and all that shit, but there's some really grotesque shit going on, like Cartman taking a crap practically on his mom and all the guys getting fat and othewise disgusting too. That's what turns me off bit about this episode, but it's still decent one. I miss every inside joke obviously since I'm not touching that piece of crap. But it's decent, let's rate it 3/10.

Let's do one more..

Episode 9: Mystery of Urinal Deuce
This is, well, confusing episode. At least when it comes to 9/11 parts. It's not really that funny. The funnier part about this episode is the somebody taking a dump in the urinal. I don't know whether that's sad or good. I mean Mr. Mackey uses up pretty much all potential that joke has. The Hardy Boys.. Well, what the fuck? I'm totally getting a raging clue. Okay. This episode has those funny moments, but it's still not that great. 3/10 is in order.

Nicely 5 episodes left for the next session. Season Ten is looking good so far.

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