Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Season Six Sick Finisher (Episodes 12-17)

The Season Six has been good so far and eyeing some of the episode titles, it seems to stay good as well. So I'm eager to get on with it. Let's go!

Episode 12: A Ladder to Heaven
Where were you, when they started to build the ladder to heaven? Great song. No, it's terrible, but it's ridiculous. That's pretty much what's first thing in your mind after this episode. It's also good parody of the guy who made the 9/11 songs. That over-emotional stuff from everybody is the main joke of this episode and it's a good one. Also kind of getting Kenny back is cool, and in an intriguing way, by having him trapped inside Cartman's body. They really use up the Ladder to heaven -joke to the maximum in this episode, but it's good one, just a shame there really isn't much else. Except Cartman at the abortion clinic, that's kind of a good one. 5/10 is my rating for this.

Episode 13: The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers
Wow, didn't realise this were as early episode as sixth season. This is one of the most memorable episodes all time, since it's a Lord of the Rings -spoof and a good one. It all makes sense that porn is equivalent of the One Ring and Butters is Gollum etc. All the most memorable scenes of the movies are re-created in South Park setting. Also the score for this episode is ridiculous. The end is also great since the parents pretty much fuck everything up. It's very solid episode overall, just the fact that it makes you reflect the Lord of the Rings -movies strenghtens it's effect. An unique episode and I'll rate it 8/10.

Episode 14: The Death Camp of Tolerance
I don't know really what to think. What to think of Mr. Slave shoving a gerbil up his ass or the whole thing with Lemmiwinks journey's inside Mr. Slave's ass. That's just so fucked up that I don't know whether it's funny or disgusting. They grab some humor out the tolerance -thing though. The Schindler's List references were great too. But it's disgusting to think that Lemmiwinks is inside Mr. Slaves ass. But I kind of like Mr. Slave as a character. He's one-dimensional, but Jesus Christ. I'm so bad. I gotta stop this. I'll rate this 4/10.

Episode 15: The Biggest Douche in the Universe
I love the subject of this episode. I mean the psychics in general. They are douches. I've been into scepticism really much and it frushtrates me that some people actually believe in them. John Edwards gets the treatment he deserves in this episode. Very satisfying episode. The Rob Schneider stuff in this episode is some fun shit. Kenny's return is a little closer now that they get him out of Cartman also which is cool. So I like this episode and I'll rate it 6/10.

Episode 16: My Future Self 'N Me
Another solid episode, only one more left for this season. Some really nice jokes in this episode, like right at the beginning Jimmy telling he has done extacy. Hilarious. Another great moment is when Butters reveals his horrible secret of being Professor Chaos and Stan just says "You're gay? I'm okay with that." There's some other pretty good jokes and the plotside is decent too. Just some standard South Park stuff. Future Cartman is great way to end episode. Overall very steady episode and I'm going to rate it 6/10.

Episode 17: Red Sleigh Down
I've seen this episode more often than average, so it's starts to get a little dull for me. It also has a little boring start to it, but it gets great the nearer the end it gets. It transforms into more of an action movie and it has many references to those. When Jesus opens the closet in the church and it's filled with guns, you know that things are going to get awesome. And what's going with the facial expressions when the kinds get their presents? Jimmy's song was kind of funny when watching first time, but now it's just pain in the ass. An episode of two halves, but overall decentish. 4/10 and that's it.

So Season Six is over and what a season it was! It averaged whopping 5,29 and it sets the standard for the rest of the seasons. Now I just wonder are my rating criteria changing unintenionally or are these episodes really better.. Anyway, here's standings so far:

Season Six 5,29
Season Four 4,47
Season Five 4,43
Season Three 4,12
Season One 3,92
Season Two 3,33

Had a quick look at the episode list of Season Seven and to be honest, despite I've of course seen all of them, the titles don't say much for me. Only couple of episodes, which are really good. It might as well challenge Season Six, but we'll see. I would love to just keep watching them, but gotta do something else with my time too like I said in the last post. Also my review lack substance heavily.

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