Thursday, May 7, 2009

Season Seven Starter (Episodes 1-4)

Episode 1 : Cancelled
There's a bit too much repetition in this episode to be a true classic, but it's still a decent one. It starts off exactly like the first episode of the show and I understand what they're doing to accomplish with it. It shows how the series have changed, but I still think it goes on a bit too long. Then there's the Cartman fart joke, which was decent (I mean bad) joke when you first saw it, but now repetition makes it boring. Jeff Goldblum -character is dumb, but the taco that shits ice cream is great. This episode is mostly about reality television and obviously there was more potential in this episode than it showed. But still, it's worth 3/10 rating.

Revision: Hell, I think this is definitely worth 4/10 rating. There was more potential maybe, but still, this is very memorable episode.

Episode 2: Krazy Kripples
I usually don't care much for episodes where the boys are not in the central role, but this episode is a pleasant exception. Though I don't really care for the Christopher Reeve stuff, pretty much only distantly funny thing in there is Larry King, who looks ridiculous. But the Timmy & Jimmy at the Crips is great stuff. Almost everything in that is at some level ridiculous, for example Jimmy's gangsta-talk and their clothes and all that. The ending is great too. I mean c'mon! But yeah that's it let's go on, 4/10 as a rating.

Episode 3: Toilet Paper
This is not the most original episode, but it's still good stuff. It has very much references to good movies, like Silence of Lambs, The Godfather and Scarface. Although you can hardly say references, some stuff is almost direct copying. But then again it's everything turned to South Park style so it makes it exciting. One joke that I like for some reason a lot is the scene where the boys buy toilet paper and the guy just starts "Toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet paper.." For some reason I find it so funny. Not a true classic, but very enjoyable episode. I rate it 4/10.

Episode 4: I'm A Little Bit Country
So this is the 100th episode. And good thing it came along, since my spreadsheet which keeps the records of my ratings and calculates the season averages only totaled 96. I had forgot to put some random episodes along the way which obviously messed the seasonal averages. It's nothing too signifigant though so I'll correct the averages I put earlier. But on to this episode, I don't know about this one. I think 100th would have deserved something better. It's decent, but nothing special. Just standard Cartman stuff trying to have flashback by the most ridiculous plans and as you know at this point those are obviously going to work. It's decent but like I said I would've hoped for something better. As for rating, 3/10 is enough.

Once again I've taken half day to made these reviews when I clearly don't have for this. Fuck me.

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