Friday, May 22, 2009

Season Nine: First Wave (Episodes 1-6)

Episode 1: Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina
God damn, fuck! I'm trying to eat here while I'm watching. That's disgusting. What were they thinking? I'm obviously talking about the real sex change operation footage. This is disturbing episode also in other ways. Mr. Broflowski's a dolphin? Okay. Kyle's feet has testicles inside them and the explode. Way too much gross stuff for me at least. Garrison being all enthuastic about his new vagina makes you cringe rather than laugh. It's also disorienting how doctor can just reverse the effects of the operations so easily. What a way to start a season. I hardly smiled watching this episode, but just for the fact that a few ideas were so absurd, I'm going to rate it 2/10.

Episode 2: Die Hippie, Die
Now this is far better. A Good plot, nothing that is disgusting, couple of funny jokes. That's all you need. It also has good Armageddon references and it also copies it's plot from the movie The Core. Cartman is great at the beginning going around terminating hippies. His speech about different types of hippies is all great. Also I like the mockery of hippies, since that's pretty much the fact what we see in this episode. I'm starting to go non-sensical, let's just rate it. Hmm, tough one, I'd say 5/10.

Episode 3: Wing
This is decent too. When I remembered what this was all about, I thought it was boring episode, but it turned out decent. I just didn't remember the best bits. The final battle at chinese mafia instantly reminds you of Scarface scenery-wise, and it must be that way on purpose, since Cartman says "You wanna play rough? Okay!" References to Scarface are almost always a positive thing. I thought about Wing that "what the fuck, what kind of character is she?" but it turns out she is actually a real person. I don't really care for her singing, but according to commentary, her career took off because of this episode, which is kinda cool. Overall, it's fairly funny and nice episode. I rate it 4/10.

Episode 4: Best Friends Forever
This episode won a fuckin' Emmy. That's how fuckin' good it is. No, I'm being sarcastic. I think this is a decent episode, but really, it's not that good. There's no squirrels going around saying "Hail Satan" or anything like that, so how could it even be that good? It's once again an episode which has an important issue that it gives it's view and once again I agree. It also has few funny moments, but not that many. What stood out for me was Michael sniffing his marker and his descriptions of the epicness of the end battle. For some reason, he was a very funny character. It's more of an important issue that got this episode the attention, but it's a decent one on the humor side too. I'm bit pressured obviously to give it a high rating, but I'm going as down as 6/10.

Episode 5: The Losing Edge
You just gotta love this episode. It's your every sports movie cliche thrown in but roles reversed. This time the protagonists try to lose. Except for Randy, who tried to beat the other thrash-talking dads. I love Rockys and this episode has a ton of references to Rockys. It's nothing that original, but it's the familiarity where it's greatness stems from. It's like Asspen, it's just the old cliches being recycled in a fun way. I liked this way more than previous episode, I'll go as high as 8/10 for this.

Revision: Man, I loved this way too much. It's still a great episode, but too unoriginal to be really considered one of the best. I mean that real classic like say "Tweek vs. Craig" got only 7/10, so I really must drop rating of this one to 6/10.

Episode 6: The Death of Eric Cartman

Now this is one of the classics. It's also a episode, where I like the Cartman-Butters -dynamic. The most of time it's either Cartman being too mean or Butters being too stupid. In this episode, it just all clicks in the place. That opening scene always gets me hungry. Cartman is a real dick there. I mean that's worst thing you could do. Worse than trying to exterminate all the jews or killing one's parents and feeding them to him. What's my favorite part in this episode though is the distancing from the camera -move that Cartman pulls every time he thinks he's on his way to heaven. It's just funny. Also Cartman using the chains as a ghost is hilarious. Oh and the song is also great. I gotta give it 9/10, drawing it level in my ratings with "Kenny Dies".

Revision: This is one of those episodes that I overrate because I remember so fondly when I first saw it. When I last rewatched this, it had already lost much of it's power. So down to the 7/10 it goes.

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