Thursday, May 21, 2009

Season Eight Final Stand (Episodes 10-14)

Alright, let's do the rest of the episodes tonight.

Episode 10: Pre-School
This is a fairly good episode. The most of episodes this season has had something disturbing or disgusting in it, for example Mr. Jefferson's face falling apart and Butters getting shuriken in the eye. This episode the trend continues with Mrs. Claridge. She's really disturbing. Fortunately, she's not on the screen for long time. And I know she's a Star Trek reference. Pre-school bit is well done as is most of the episode anyway. Ending is also great. It's not exactly top quality, but very enjoyable still and I'm going to rate it 5/10.

Episode 11: Quest for Ratings
This is actually very good episode. Nice to see one of those for a while. It's great to see Matt & Trey parodizing their own lack of ideas sometimes. Crabpeople-reference is best point of that. Craig's idea is ridiculous, but you see something like that in the tv sometimes. But what it all boils down to is the ending, grand final. The show is just great. The music in the background and the serious overtone. It's like you are watching a real tv show. You gotta love Cartman's expressions, and the way he says his name. The rest of the stuff is good, but not as classic. I rate this 7/10.

Episode 12: Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset
Not really much to say about this one. It's spot on. But I didn't really find it that funny. Maybe the kind of commercial of Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset was one of the highlights. It's not bad, I'm not saying that, but it has much appalling stuff going on. But I guess it has to when it's this subject. But yeah like I said it's dead on and because of that, I can't really give it a bad rating, can I? I wouldn't even want to really, because it's a fair episode. 6/10.

Episode 13: Cartman's Incredible Gift
This is a fair episode. The time passing by effect makes you really think that Cartman was in coma for very long time, especially when you see him bearded. Face-warmer? Come on. It has a plethora of references once again to crime movies and series. Probably the best bit when the police is figuring that those really are left hands. It's so redundant yet effective and funny. I also once again agree with the point of the episode. That's all, I rate it 5/10.

Episode 14: Woodland Critter Christmas
Man. This is fucked up. I don't know even what to say. I hardly know whether I liked it or not. I mean it's ridiculous, all that overly cute critters, the mountain lion cubs, sentimental death of their mother, "Hail Satan", blood orgy... WHAT THE FUCK? The plot is just retarded, but the fact Cartman is supposed to have written it explains it. It's really an episode that's one of a kind. As for rating, I'm going to give it WTF/10. No just joking, let's say it's 8/10. It's so fucked up after all.

In conclusion, season eight - like all seasons - had some great episodes, but overall it was a bit bland, compared to the couple of previous season. On the other hand, most episodes were solidly at least the 3 or 4 quality, so it managed to average a 4,43 rating, being in fact better than Season Seven.

Top list so far
Season Six 5,29
Season Four 4,82
Season Five 4,43
Season Eight 4,43
Season Seven 4,27
Season Three 4,13
Season One 3,92
Season Two 3,39

Now quick look at Season Nine. Some episode titles don't ring a bell, others are more notorious than great. I'm not expecting it to take the lead, but it probably won't be the worst either.

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