Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Season Eight: Oh Come On Do I Have To Do This Now? (Episodes 7-9)

Episode 7: The Jeffersons
This wasn't as bad as my title for this post suggest, but there's this eerie horror-film feel to this episode and "Mr. Jefferson" looks disgusting, even more when his face starts to fall apart in end. The singing parts are most the same joke, but it's decent. I also like the way Mr. Jefferson says that they are ignorant. It's ridiculous really. Also the police parts are nice. Even though I feel I don't want to watch this again any time soon, I gotta give it 4/10.

Episode 8: Douche and Turd
As Jimmy says, "Key to successful humor is staying power". And staying power is really what is tested when I watched this episode just now, since I've seen this episode so many times. And to be honest, it has lost most of it's power, even if it had that much to begin with. The whole Jimmy -dialog is just a stuffing to begin with. The Puff Daddy video is funny though and the campaigning has some decent stuff though. I also like the mockery of PETA. So all-in-all this isn't that bad, I'll rate it 3/10.

Episode 9: Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes
Alright, so this episode has shitload of horror movie references, which I'm not going to list since there listed in other places. It's once again something near-decent, like most episodes this season has been. Not really bad, but not up the standard I got use to in couple of previous seasons. Besides, how many times you can recycle the same joke (I'm referring to Indepence Day -reference)? Nothing special stood out for me in this one, so I'll just rate it and call it a day.. 3/10.

Now I gotta grab some sleep. We'll see when I can continue and how many episodes I'll do.

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