Monday, May 18, 2009

More of Season Eight (Episodes 4-6)

Episode 4: The Passion of The Jew
There's good moments in this too, like Cartman praying to Mel Gibson and the point where Kyle comes to admit to Cartman that he's been right all along. But what the hell has Mel Gibson ever done to Trey & Matt? It's just one of those things again that is way too crazy. At least Mel Gibson looks funny with those changing expressions. But there wasn't all that much of funny shit in this episode. Cartman has been Hitler earlier so there's really nothing new. I'll rate it 3/10.

Episode 5: You Got F*d In The A
I guess this is a bit better that the few episodes prior to it, but I'm not still that big fan of this. It's just that the dancing as a subject isn't really interesting to me.. But anyway, this is still a decent one. I don't know what's going on since everything knows all this getting served stuff. It's nice to see again goth kids and raisins girls, and it was interesting to see the putting together of the dancing crew. Butters reveals his new side and of course wins the competition for South Park with his lethal tap dancing. It's decent though once again there's not all of the boys in the highlight. Oh and I have to say that "I've got something in my front pocket for you" is hilarious. But anyways this episode gets the rating of 4/10.

Episode 6: Goobacks
This isn't exactly classic either. These are not bad episodes, but after getting used to such high standard in last couple of seasons it's a bit letdown. The funniest thing in this episode is "they got our jobs!" Most of it though is just trying to make a point about immigration and all that shit. The ending is kind of funny though. But I'm more disgusted than amused about that pile of gay men. But yeah all that enviromentalism and trying to make a better future really is more gay than having sex with dozens of other men.. What? It's barely 3/10 for this one.

Such a low standard that I don't even feel like watching more.

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