Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Last Three of Season Five

Episode 12: Here Comes the Neigbourhood
I don't know about this one. I kinda like it, but it's again one of those pretty retarded episodes. I mean, they burn "lowecase t" for "time to leave" and "richers" get it. Ok.. It's kind of sweet episode. I especially love Aslam and the rest of the lions. It's again so random and ridiculous that it's great. The other rich kids are just annoying and the boys are just background characters as this episode focuses on Token, which is a bit lame, but still nice variation from standard episode. All in all, it's enjoyable episode and I'll going to rate it 5/10.

Episode 13: Kenny Dies
This is a great episode. It has to be, really, since one of the main character's dies "permanently". Therefore this episode had to be something special and it is. It's so overhelmingly emotional, that you don't know whether to cry with them or laugh at them - and also it's nice contrast to their normal indifference for Kenny's deaths. That really shows you that this is different from the earlier deaths. Also seeing Cartman getting all emotional is ridiculous. Then there's the great dialogue with doctor, where the music plays, and everything is said twice. "Give 'em hell. Give 'em hell." Before that there's also the Cartman's "You're breaking my balls" routine, and seeing Butters do it is also funny as shit. Great stuff. In fact, I like this so much, that I'm going to rise it up to the #1. It gets 9/10, first time in this series. It's close, but at the moment I think that this is better than all of the episodes rated 8.

Episode 14: Butters' Very Own Episode
Like I've said, I'm not that big fan of episodes, where the boys are just background characters. In fact, in this episode you're only see them briefly at the end of the episode. But yeah it's Butters' own episode like title stated and it's pretty fucked up stuff. For me it's a bit of a failure, I don't find most stuff, funny, I mean that gay stuff and Butters' mom getting insane, it just too disturbed. I don't know. Butters is oblivious to all this and in the end when he gets to realise what has been going on is good moment though. End is satisfying in other ways too. So the ending pretty much makes it for this episode and I'll rate it barely 3/10.

And it brings Season Five to a close. It averaged 4,43 and loses tightly to fourth seasons 4,47. Season five was a solid season, which had few peak episodes, but not enough consistency in terms of the episode quality to really beat season four. We'll see what Season Six will bring us in forthcoming reviews.

Hall of fame so far:
Season Four 4,47
Season Five 4,43
Season Three 4,12
Season One 3,92
Season Two 3,33

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