Saturday, May 2, 2009

Another Bit of Season Five (Episodes 8-10)

Episode 8: Towelie
I love Towelie. It's really so bad character that it's great. I love it especially when it gets high. I wonder if that merchandise is really available that appeared in the "commercial" in the middle of the episode. It's not bad episode, there's some really great jokes thrown in the mix. The plot is ridiculous really and now I felt a bit like the boys watching this episode, I didn't care. I just wanted to see Towelie getting high. It all ends well and Towelie doesn't know what's going on.. Wow, this is the worst review ever. I am going to rate it 5/10. I feel bit like Towelie right now.

Episode 9: Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants
This is a decent episode also. It's the immediate - only 8 weeks or so - reaction to 9/11. It has some good points like why send one dollar if you're going to bomb the place down and good deal of self-critique. It's funny to see Afghanistan versions of the boys, great idea. Also the Bugs Bunny -style ending is great, it's goofy but it works. Overall it isn't a real classic but still solid episode. It isn't bombing good jokes, but it takes a point on matters. 4/10 is enough I think.

Episode 10: How to Eat With Your Butt
This episode is appalling. I don't even want to talk about those buttheaded people. All I'm going to say is that it's terrible, too disgusting to laugh. I mean it's not that graphic obviously, but still. So I don't care for the main plot of this episode too much, but Cartman's endless laughter at his own jokes at the beginning almost makes you laugh at the Kenny's ass photo. It has some other decent jokes too, like Butters and his faces. So all in all it's not that bad, but I really don't like it either. I'll rate it 2/10.

Episode 11: The Entity
So in this episode Kyle's cousin Kyle comes to visit.. Wait a minute, Kyle? What, did they run out of names? That's nitpicking, though. The other Kyle is extremely (and negatively) stereotyped jew. He's just really frushtrating character, but kind of great at the same time. You'll still be glad to see him go. The other, more prominent plot of this episode revolves around airports and Garrison's fight against them. The "it" is just crazy vehicle, but well, it beats the airports. Some good points there and this is fairly funny episode too. It also ends bluntly, in a good way. I'll rate this 5/10.

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