Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Bit of Season Five (Episodes 5-7)

Episode 5: Terrance & Phillip: Behind the Blow
I've never been a big fan of Terrance & Phillip episodes, but this is still fair episode. After all it has Stan and co. in it so it's not all Terrance & Phillip again. Besides the "Behing the Blow" -thing is kind of interesting. I find it much better than the Earth day -subplot which feels kinda lame. At least the Shakespeare -scene is ridiculous. Nothing too memorable going on but still a decent episode. I rate this episode too 3/10.

Episode 6: Cartmanland
I didn't even remember how great episode this was. I mean I remembered obviously what happens, but not how well it's made. Cartman's nature is portrayed once again well in this episode. Although it's a bit disorienting that he loses it all in the end, but I guess there had to be a way to get everything back to normal, so whatever. Kyle's battle with his faith is just great stuff. And Cartman's reaction when he hears that he has inherited the million dollars.. Classic. It's one of the better episodes, I'll rate it 7/10.

Episode 7: Proper Condom Use
This episode is just nasty. First of all kids beating off dogs, Cartman's condom that's full of pee, everything related to Mr. Mackey and Ms. Choksondik. That's disgusting. But it's still overall a great episode. What makes this episode for me is the final warning from Butters ripped straight off of Mad Max 2. Fuckin' hilarious. But I'm not going to talk about it more, that's pretty much it for this episode. I'll rate it 6/10.

A bit lame reviews this time. Let's see if I make better ones in the future posts, that's it for now.

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