Sunday, April 5, 2009

Season Five Kickstart! (Episodes 1-4)

Fifth season ready to be reviewed next in this minireview style.

Episode 1: Scott Tenorman Must Die
Well, this is very defining episode for Cartman. I'm in a loss of words. Originally I didn't like it since it just goes so far on the ending. Storyline is ok and the episode is fair, but the ending is really what makes all the difference. Not necessarily good difference, but it's just so disturbing that Cartman is such an evil genious that.. fuck. The whole situation in the ending is absurd, but you don't feel like laughing since you're so shocked. There's really more to this episode than the ending, but it's just so fucked up that it's pretty much the only thing you'll remember or think about. Really hard episode to rate, since it's so prominent and memorable episode, but really not that good. I'll rate it 4/10.

Revision: I don't know really. This is just so classic episode and it takes multiple reviews surprisingly well, in fact it seems to get better. Besides, I think there are worse episodes in the 5/10 rating, so I might as well notch it up to it too.

Episode 2: It Hits the Fan
This is one of those episodes that I don't remember what's it about when I see the title. There's good reason for that too, because it is rather forgettable episode overall. Of course they say shit 162 and all that and the Geldon's voice is ridiculous, but that's about it. It's not the worst episode, but rather uninteresting, so let's go on. I rate this 2/10.

Episode 3: Cripple Fight!
The fifth season goes on a bit slowly. This is at least fairly memorable episode, if nothing else. The title pretty much says what's this episode is all about, even though there's the background of gay rights in the episode. But yeah the fight.. It's nothing special, entertaining the watch, but you're not looking for that kind of stuff in South Park. There are some fine jokes, like Cartman going around announcing about cripple fight and Timmy's nice photoshop to get rid of Jimmy. I'll rate this 3/10.

Episode 4: The Super Best Friends
What about this.. Well at least it sprouted some controversy when the episode aired like so many of South Park episodes, since it shows not only Jesus, but Muhammad, Joseph Smith, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Buddha and Moses. There's many flat out weird things in this episode, like Blaine's talking style and the end fight. I mean what the fuck, giant stone Abraham Lincoln vs. giant stone John Wilkes Booth? It's again little too absurd for me. But it's not that bad episode really although there's some wtf factor in it. I'll rate this 3/10 too.

I think that's plenty for today.

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