Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Season Seven - Beginning of an End (Episodes 10-12

Episode 10: Grey Dawn
This is a fine episode. To be honest I didn't find this that funny, but it makes a ton of references to other movies which makes it interesting to watch. The scene where the old people hit the roads at the same time is probably the episode's highlight, though I like the part where Cartman tells about his plans to take out old people. It has some subtance again in form of message, but I don't have much else to say about this. I'll rate it 3/10 and we'll move on.

Episode 11: Casa Bonita
Cartman and Kyle had always had some rivalry between them, but in this episode I notice that it's starting to get more vicious and not-too-friendly. It's really a process that happens during these newer seasons and I find it a bit disorienting. But this is still a decent episode. Cartman's plan seems bad to me since at any case he is not going to get away with it. But I guess only thing he cares about is to get to Casa Bonita, not what happens after that. Butters telling the woman that he's ready to repopulate the Earth makes me cringe. I don't know, this is kind of funny episode, but there's too much shit that I don't like. I rate it 3/10 anyway.

Episode 12: All About Mormons
Again the boys are a bit of a background characters in this episode, Stan is the main character as he gets to know this new mormon family. Most of the time you're just like Stan watching and thinking "what the fuck is going on?" There's not that much of a funny shit going on, since the mormons are disturbingly kind and all that shit. What this episode does have though is some substance and it has a point. Also it's nice to see what mormons actually believe (WTF?). The ending is great too. Suck my balls. 5/10 for this one.

Would like to go on, but once again I don't have to do it. The last three episodes of season seven in next post.

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