Sunday, May 3, 2009

Getting the Season Six Underway (Episodes 1-6)

Episode 1: Freak Strike
This is a decent episode. Kenny's dead for good, at least we think of that, so it's kind of a shocker to see him right in the beginning. Except that it's not Kenny, it's really Butters. That pretty much is the catalyst of this episode, Butters trying to prove a point to the other boys, that he can be the fourth member. It's just funny to hear the boys saying lines like "If you're not even putting balls to your chin for your friends.." The best part of the show though is Cartman trying to be the most out of control child. On the other things I don't have much to say, it's such basic South Park stuff. I'll rate it 3/10.

Episode 2: Jared Has Aides
This is pretty good episode. The whole Aides-thing is an endless well of humor. Almost at least. The shitty wok -joke is decent too. Butters keeps on trying to prove a point in this episode and the boys keep exploiting him. Especially Cartman is a real asshole towards him, fucking him up good in the end. But it's really one joke story, it's good that it's pretty good one, because otherwise it would get dull, this just about manages to stay sweet for the 22 minutes. I'll rate this episode.. 4/10.

Episode 3: Asspen
This is a classic. I've seen this episode a bit too many times to really enjoy it to the full extent, but it's still great stuff. Timeshare subplot isn't that interesting, the main thing here's Stan vs. Tad, and the way it unfolds is so irrational that it's great. From there on it's the cliche plot which been seen million times in different movies, but it works because it's so retarded. This episode really stands out for the rest, but does it being different make it really that much better? I don't know, I don't feel like this is the best episode even though we constantly make references to this episode, me & my friends. I mean lines like "Uuuu", and such. It's certainly one of the most memorable ones. I'll give it 8/10 and we'll go on.

Episode 4: The Terrance & Phillip Movie Trailer
Well again it's an unique episode, but like I've said it's not necessarily always good. I mean this episode pretty much is "Russell Crowe Fighting Around the World".. That's retarded! There's some halfdecent jokes thrown in the mix, but nothing too memorable. I really don't have much to say on this episode, since it has not that much content. I'm going to give it 2/10 though, since there's worse episodes than this and Tugger is just random.

Episode 5: Fun With Veal
This is an episode with a message! Sort of. The plot of this episode reminds me of Dog Day Afternoon, don't know if it's intentional reference, but that's pretty intense movie, so it's good thing for this episode. Cartman's negotiation skills come in handy on some ridiculous jokes. I wonder what they did with that missile.. Why didn't they use those guns they got? Again this episode doesn't have that much going on plotwise, but it's well made and deserves a decent rating. So it's 4/10.

Episode 6: Professor Chaos
Another fair episode. Professor Chaos is the lamest supervillain ever, but hey, that's Butters. The different art and Butters' evil faces and all are great. I still like more the The Bachelor-part of the episode, where the boys are desperately trying to find a new Kenny. I've seen for some reason some of the Bachelor and South Park hits right into the spot. Would love to see more of that shit. And Towelie is also a bonus. Every episode with Towelie must be great. It's good stuff, I rate it 6/10.

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