Monday, June 1, 2009

Season Twelve Stalemate (Episode 6-9)

Episode 6: Over Logging
There's many reason's why I don't like this episode. There's isn't that much funny stuff going on. In general, references are a good thing, but lately at South Park it's been more usual to see a reference than something original. This episode is again filled with references to movies. Besides, the whole idea of internet disappering is technically absurd. What a bunch of retards those guys at the Internet HQ or whatever are when they don't even try the obvious unplugging the power cord trick? But it's standard South Park. Unsurprising and stale standard, by now at least. I rate this 1/10.

Episode 7: Super Fun Time
This is kind of a good episode. Cartman and Butters holding hands just can't fail. Super Fun Time -part was decent, though we have heard better Cartman-songs.. At least seeing Butters' resiliency in holding Cartman's hand made it worthwhile. The other subplot was again a referencefest, but at least it was decent. This episode once again resorts bit to the retardness in terms of the pioneer village's employees, but I can handle it. All in all, it's decent episode and I'm rating it 5/10.

Episode 8: The China Probrem
This is a great episode. There's once again two plots going on at the same time, Cartman & Butters vs. China and rest of the guys trying to deal with Indiana Jones getting raped. The latter is great stuff. They managed to make those rape scenes in a way that they weren't too appalling. Lucas' & Spielberg's expressions in those are just hilarious. Of course they're again references, but they're references the way references should be. The other plot isn't as good, but it gets interesting when Butters starts shooting people to the balls. I rate this.. 7/10.

Episode 9: Breast Cancer Show Ever
I've referenced to this show many times in my reviews. That's because when starting this I had most recently obviously watched 12th season and this was the thing first in my mind. The disappointment of seeing Cartman getting beat up by Wendy.. It turns out good in the end, with Cartman being delusional and all, but still, I kind of hoped Cartman wins. Wendy pisses me off, and I kind of like Cartman in all his shittyness. Though Cartman had it coming for him. There's not really that much more to this episode. I'm still somehow disillusioned, can't really explain it more than this. Maybe it's because Cartman was such a pussy in this episode too prior the fight. But whatever, I'll still give it 5/10.

And as Wendy put it "I'm finished" (for the night at least)

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