Thursday, June 4, 2009

Season Thirteen: Impressions on the first half

Just finished watching all the seven episodes that have came out so far and decided to give some thoughts.

I was a little dissapointed to be honest. There was some moments where I laughed out loud, but they were few and at times the show seemed a little predictable and a bit silly. I mean, Mickey Mouse? C'mon? I laughed, but still.. wtf. But that's South Park for you, crazy stuff happen.

But still, I think the downward spiral continues. I still enjoy the show, but true classic episodes come few and far between. I'm still hopeful that the fall season improves. Besides, maybe those episodes grow on me eventually. But like I said, I'm not going to give real reviews until some time has passed.

Edit: It's been few weeks since I made this post and.. Well, I haven't rewatched those episodes or anything, but I have still started to think that well, they weren't that bad of an episodes. Well, at least not all of them. I also say "downward spiral" and that's bit dramatic, considering that the quality of the shows is going down only a bit, if even that. Besides, most of internet kiddies still loved the new episodes.

But I'm not going to talk about them until I rewatch the episode sometime next winter. Why then? Since I want to wait out for the whole season before starting the reviews.

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