Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sorry 'Bout No Updates

I was absolutely drained and couldn't write anymore after november and NaNoWriMo. Gladly I made it and won - had to write 16k during the last day because I just lagged behind the whole month. But enough about that, back to the South Park - I was supposed to get back in the action already, but I keep forgetting to send new posts.

I'll probably write next the 'official' more detailed reviews of the newest season, but that's as soon as I watch them again.

But anyway, see ya.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Season Thirteen, Episode Fourteen First Impressions

Like the saying goes, everything bad always comes to an end. Well, maybe that's bit harsh. But to be honest, Season Thirteen was pretty solid candidate for worst season ever. But it wasn't that bad really and the last episode was really good ending for it. It might even be the best episode of the season, but that's down to the fact that there wasn't any legendary episodes during the season. At first I thought there has been too much Cartman singing this season when he started to sing about minorities, but then again, it is sweet stuff usually. You have to say that it was a bit predictable episode, but that's the deal with parodies. Good stuff nonetheless.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Season Thirteen, Episode Thirteen - First Impressions

Towards the end of the run episodes tend to get more crazy due to the mental fatique of the writers. But "Dances With The Smurfs".. it was just insane and so absurd, I don't know what to think. There was some funny moments alright and since it was Cartman centered, it worked well enough. I just wonder how much manipulation Cartman can get away with time and time after again. It was crazy, but I still think this was one of the better episodes of this season.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Season Thirteen, Episode Twelwe - First Impressions

I'm bit tired (it's 7 am. here) but here goes.

I kinda liked the new episode. But to be honest, it was again a bit of a mess. The plot got out of hand. Also there was something odd with the boys, they seemed somewhat out of character. But there was funny moments. It's average episode by this season's standards, but bit sub-par overall. Still gotta be happy with this especially since there were not much expectation for this episode.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Season Thirteen, Episode Eleven: First Impressions

This is a bit of tough one. I mean, who doesn't like Cartman singing Lady Gaga? That was the highlight of the show and the rest was alternating between mediocre and okay. You can't argue that it was a bit of a silly plot. And silly plot is okay only if it is funny. I don't think it was that funny. It was funny in theory, but not in practice. Well, there were funny parts though. At least there was nice kind of subtle message in the episode. Not the worst of the season, but not really that good either. Perhaps one of the season's best, but that's down to the fact that it has been weak season so far.

Kenny - Sex, Drugs and Rock N' Roll

It's hard not to like Kenny. Character that always dies, yet always comes back, and was supposed to have been killed of for good but still ressurrected again, because we just couldn't live without him. Kenny lives life to the fullest, probably because he knows that it'll, once again, end soon. It's not so easy to write about Kenny though. There's the obvious route to write about his deaths but much have been said about those and pretty much anybody knows Kenny dies, even those who don't watch the series. Since I don't want to write about his numerous deaths, my only alternative is to discuss his life, which is wild when he happens to live.

"That is the sickest thing I have ever fuckin' seen"
Kenny used to be pretty much a prop. But we always knew that he were more hardcore than the other boys. It was asserted early in the series that Kenny is foul-mouthed and he is the one to ask when there's sex-related vocabulary that needs some clarifying. For a long time though all Kenny would really do was dying. In "Rainforest Schmainforest" he finally gets some action - his first girlfriend and certainly not the last either. Though he has only had two so far when you think of it, Kelly and Tammy. The fact though is that they always get him killed. Kenny dies firts because of Kelly by spontaneous combustion and then Tammy kills him with syphillis. You'd guess though that Tammy won't be his last relationship.

"How can I calm down? You should've seen those titties."
Well, Kenny had a some sort of relationship to the lady in "Major Boobage", though she wasn't technically real.. Kenny's boob obsession is also one thing that has been well documented. Major boobage wasn't even the first time it happened, right off the bat I remember the "Lil Crime Stoppers" episode and Kenny's "sketches". Kenny's Most Wanted sign was on the wall and it consisted of drawings of big titted females. So Kenny's crazy for titties, but that's not the only thing he's crazy for.

"Well, I'm gonna give my grandfather a full-body sensual massage."
Kenny is, at times, literally krazy like in episode "Fat Camp", where he had his show. He'll do anything for money, but sometimes he'll do nasty stuff without that much of a reason. In "Volcano" he drinks gas and is all out hardcore during that episode. Then there's also the fact that Kenny does drugs too.

"I'm not ruining my life, okay."
Again we're referring back to "Major Boobage". Kenny's "cheesing" is the whole point of the episode. But there's other moments alike which show how Kenny is never afraid to do drugs. In "Cancelled" he snorts some of the stuff those executive aliens are doing. I'd love to list more examples, but you get the point and my brain hurts. So in conclusion, Kenny is one fucked up kid.

Best. Ending. Ever. This ended up bit on the short side, but I don't really have that much to say about Kenny. Next week Butters would be up, but like I said, I'll be taking november off.

Sorry that I'm late, I just couldn't write this shit yesterday. Just downloading the newest episode, I'll be back with the comments again in a short while. See ya.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Season Thirteen, Episode Ten: First Impressions

Now this was a letdown. To be honest I wasn't expecting too much. When you have subject like wrestling there's lots of potential but they just got the most obvious jokes out of it and dragged it way too much. It was just so unsurprising and a bit stale along with some ridiculous plot twist. Most jokes were very obvious so even if they were a bit funny, they didn't have much of an effect.

Hope they pickthemselves up for the next episode and for the rest of the season or this is going to be worst season even (which, frankly, would be hardly surprising).

Stan & Kyle - The Gayest Moments

I didn't know if this was the best idea for writing when I came up with it and I'm not still sure, but here goes. This will not be long article anyway.

I had not heard about that StanxKyle -stuff until just recently so you might think I'm living under a rock. It's rock worth living under though. I mean I had stumbled upon the term but didn't know what it was about until recently and.. Damn, that's messed up. I can't really say that I could've thought of something like that. But it got me thinking if there were any really gay moments in the show.

"Goood boy. Now, don't be gay."
Stan's dog is/was gay (where's Sparky anyway?) and Stan didn't like it until he learned to accept that in "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" And there's no real point in delving into Stan's sexuality really more - I mean he had a crush on Miss Ellen and we've also seen how much he pukes around Wendy, so that's that. What about Kyle? Well, Kyle had his little thing going on with Rebecca in "Hooked on Monkey Phonics" and he turned him into a slut. If that isn't straight then what is? But it is obvious that it isn't their sexuality being questionable that springs stuff like stanxkyle up. In fact, it doesn't need to be anything on the series. I mean if it would be, then there would be CartmanxButters stuff rather, since Cartman has sucked Butters' penis and vice versa. Butters even gives Cartman a kiss in "Tonsil Trouble". But that's enough about that.

"Just best friends, best friends are we."
There could be though some matters that in the series support these gay ideas. The most obvious reason is of course the fact that Stan and Kyle are so close friends. Or are they? They spend most of their time together and trust each other most of the time. There has been some instances where the other haven't been so truthful to each other and some other where they've been flat out bad friends. Let's look more closely into that.

"I hate having Cartman as a best friend. "
We remember that in "Prehistoric Ice Man" they get into a row about the name of the frozen guy and in the end they decide to fight it out till death. In the end though they make up and there's quite a gay moment where they agree on hating Cartman. At least they didn't make out. There was also couple of instances in season three where Kyle didn't fit in with the rest of they guys and Stan was among the others to ridicule him. Then we have to go all the way to the "Bebe's Boobs Destroy the Society", where it was all vs. all for Bebe, but they were primates, so that doesn't count! There has been lot of small stuff, too much to really go on and list here so I'll just cut to the big one's. "South Park Is Gay", "The Mystery of the Urinal Deuce" and "Follow That Egg".

"You're straight like a freeway!"
In "South Park Is Gay" Kyle were really left out of the group when he didn't want to appear gay. Stuff like this has happened in other episodes like for example in "The List" where Kyle was thought of as the ugliest kid. But even then you didn't see Stan to take any part in it. Here though Stan abandon his friend. Kind of ironic, isn't it? It's like they were trying to make a subtle point and perhaps reacting to StanxKyle stuff (I doubt they really were thinking about that though, but perhaps). In "The Mystery of the Urinal Deuce" though nothing really friendship wrecking happens - except that Stan points gun at Kyle and takes part in a conspiracy deceiving Kyle.

"Yeah, well, so is your hat."
Well, they might view themselves as good friends but they're really not that 'good friends', mostly Stan isn't, that is. Final nail in that coffin is the "Follow That Egg" episode. The whole thing about Stan's jealousy of Wendy spending some time with Kyle makes Stan mad. But at the same time, episode has some subtle feel that Kyle and Stan are compared to gays - it's not even that subtle in the end when gays can marry because of their egg making it. But the gayest moment ever comes bit before that, when they finally make up again and following dialogue comes up:
Stan:Come on, buddy, let's go! [walks happily towards his door. Kyle steps forward, then stops]
Kyle:Stan... [Stan turns, then he turns away] Do you really think my hat is stupid?
Stan:[walks back and puts his left hand on Kyle's shoulder] As a matter of fact,... I think it is the nicest hat I've evern known.

I'm sorry, but that's pretty gay.

"I'm obviously just a crappy best friend to have."
So in the end, I didn't cover as much the gayness of Stan's and Kyle's relationship as I thought and it once again proved to be a pretty shitty article! Maybe I shouldn't always leave these to the last minute, though this wasn't best idea for an article to begin with. Anyways, thanks for reading this shit and have a good day/night/whatever.

PS. I'm currently downloading the newest episode so I'll write my first feelings about it here probably today. Also, since I already have these "columns" about Cartman, Stan and Kyle I figured out it would only be fair to do one on the other two most prominent characters; Butters and Kenny. I'll write the Butters one next week and then I'm going to break off from the schedule because I'm participating in NaNoWriMo and I really won't need then any more writing workload. I might still write the Kenny -article in november providing I have the time and ideas.

Any feedback will be appreciated, even moaning about grammar since I don't want to write bad English.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Season 13, Episode 9

I really liked this episode. I had high expectations since seeing the preview pictures and hearing that it's about Butters and luckily it pretty much managed to meet them. Butters is just great in the episode and there's some of that naivety in this that we've been looking for that seemed to have lost.

So it's a good one and it's relieve to see one of those in a while. Though I might have been harsh on some episodes - most of them will probably get better during second viewing.

Anyway, it's a good episode, hope they start hitting their stride and this will be great run.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Cartman - FUBAR?

So, time for my first "column" or whatever you want to call it. I'm going to talk about Cartman and more exactly about his personality. We all know that Cartman is a sociopath that has no regard for other people's emotions or in fact even their lives. He's extreme selfish and insensitive and all in all pretty fucked up kid. But was it always like this? Well, not exactly, but Cartman has always been a dick. During the first seasons he was just this annoying little egoistic and spoiled brat, but he never did anything that serious. But as the series has progressed, he has just gotten worse and worse - the prime example being the episode "Scott Tenorman Must Die". Everybody who reads this knows what happened in that episode and lot has been said about that, so I'm not going to get into anymore detail about that. That episode, however, was the point where Cartman turned from that little brat in the fucked up monster - pretty much at least. That deveploment seems to be heading still more and more extreme in the newer episodes - albeit he hasn't killed anyone anymore, but he's just more of a prick.

"..Maybe that alone doesn't make us friends, but it makes us something."
Remember that line from "Casa Bonita"? Cartman has always been a master of manipulation and he's good faking emotions. That is, if it does something good for him. We saw similar behaviour in numerous episodes, but first that comes into my mind is "Cartoon Wars", since I watched it recently. But he has pretty much been busted everytime and nobody is supposed to believe him anymore. In other areas too Cartman has had to push the boundaries to more extreme behaviour all the time and we're about to reach the limits.

"Shut your God-damned Jew mouth!"
How has Cartman's deveploment affected his relationship with Kyle? Well it's obvious that is going worse direction. Their dialogue and constant hate for each other has become redundant. It's stale and boring at this point. Cartman has saved Kyle on couple of occasions of course so you can argue that there's something there, but even that Cartman has done for his personal reasons - Butters makes for a lousy Jew and he needs Kyle to have someone to rip on. When you compare early season's and later season's you'll notice that Kyle hates Cartman now much more and they can barely get along anymore. That kind o stuff affects the perception of Kyle too, since he spends so much of his time nowadays just hating Cartman. But this writing is not about Kyle, this is about Cartman. Only way for things to change would be if Cartman would really change. But can he change and do we really even want him to change?

"Alright, maybe I tried to have Timmy's turkey crushed by a stage light, but I didn't do anything else. I'm not an asshole."
Is there any hope for Cartman to ever turn more humane character? Has he ever shown any signs of remorse, pity or feeling bad for someone other? There's not much evidence for that, but there's few episodes that I can refer to - "How To Eat With Your Butt". There Cartman allegedly "blew a funny fuse" after seeing the Thompsons. But Kyle thought that Cartman couldn't laugh because he felt bad for them. If Kyle was right, there is some humanity after all in Cartman. Other instance I can recall is the "Tsst" episode, where he turned ok by proper upbringing methods and realised that the world doesn't revolve around him. Unfortunately for him his mom ruins it all in the end. That episode still showed that he has the better side also. Finally there's also the "Major Boobage", where he had pity for the outlawed cats and hid them in his attic.

So could Cartman change and more importantly should he? Like I said, some interactions inside the series has become stale, but if we get rid of them completely will Cartman and the series lose some of their charm? Probably it would, so the Cartman shouldn't change that much, especially since we've seen the unexpected side of Cartman still shows up every now and then.

We're pretty much in the end of my first "column" and I gotta say that it ended up much like my school writings used to go. I start it off with a clear opinion, but while thinking from another perspective and finding counter-arguments to myself I soon find myself undecided (and it leads to bad grade since I'm indecisive on the matter). It has happened again and I'm pretty much undecided should Cartman change as character. It's really hard question because we've seen that he is a very multidimensional character character. This also ended up a little bit of a mess, but I guess with some feedback I can only get better. I hope the Stan & Kyle one will be better, though I think it's going to be a bit shorter. Discuss and give feedback, see ya!

Edit: Weird how this is dated October 12th. I guess I made the draft them, but still it's kind of weird.

Season 13, Episode 8 First Impressions

I wasn't going to watch them until all of them had aired, but I changed my mind and downloaded it so I'm going to comment it briefly.

I thought the episode was a bit of a mess. A very slow start and a good amount of references I didn't get (well, that's my own fault). I was also more disturbed by the guys jacking off to the girls than amused. The best part of it really was the re-introduction of Michael Jackson with his all old mannerisms - and even that was mostly recycling old jokes.

I'll give you a more detailed version obviously when I give this a proper review, but for now I think it was a bit of let-down.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Putting Myself On A Schedule

Just what the header says. I've been frushtrated with myself for not adding content to this blog, so I'm forcing myself to write something here, every wednesday. Well be starting off by something Cartman -related, then I'm going to post about Stan & Kyle something later. You'll know exactly what when I post them.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ratings Revisited Vol. 1

Here's the list of the revisions that I've made:
Season One
Weight Gain 4000 4 -> 5
Death 2 -> 3
Starvin' Marvin 6 -> 5
Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo 2 -> 4

Season Two
Conjoined Fetus Lady 2 -> 4
The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka 1 -> 3
Cow Days 1 -> 2
Prehistoric Ice Man 1 -> 2

Season Three
Sexual Harassment Panda 1 -> 2

Season Four
Great Expectations 4 -> 3
Cherokee Hair Tampons 2 -> 4
Wacky Molestation Adventure 8 -> 7

Season Five
Scott Tenorman Must Die 4 -> 5

Season Six

Season Seven
Cancelled 3 -> 4

Season Eight
AWESOM-O 2 -> 4

Season Nine
The Losing Edge 8 -> 6
The Death of Eric Cartman 9 -> 7
Two Days Before Day After Tomorrow 3 -> 2
Trapped in the Closet 5 -> 4
Bloody Mary 3 -> 2

Season Ten

Season Eleven

Season Twelve
The Pandemic 7 -> 6
About Last Night 5 -> 4

New Seasonal Standings (old rating) (old ranking):
Season Six 5,29 (5,29) (1.)
Season Four 4,82 (4,82) (3.)
Season Ten 4,71 (4,71) (4.)
Season Eleven 4,57 (4,57 (5.)
Season Five 4,5 (4,43) 7.)
Season Nine 4,43 (4,93) (2.)
Season Eight 4,43 (4,43) (8.)
Season Twelve 4,36 (4,5) (6.)
Season Seven 4,33 (4,27) (9.)
Season Three 4,24 (4,18) (10.)
Season One 4,15 (3,92) (11.)
Season Two 3,67 (3,39) (12.)

Season Nine took the heaviest hit due to multiple episodes getting a small fine-tuning to lower ratings. The average of all episodes rose from the 4,42 to ashtounishing 4,43. Lower end also improved, but not enough to change the order of the episodes. Though if there would've been very major changes, there really would've been something signifigantly wrong in my original ratings.

Revision I Didn't Make
Was Bebe's Boobs Destroy the Society being rated 9/10. I really considered lowering it, since I rarely see it listed as people's favorites. But I couldn't make it, because I just have a hard-on for Bebe's boobs.

I know I overrate it, but fuck it, this is my ratings anyway.

I doubt my revisions will be left here, but for now that's enough for me. But what I think I need to do is to give proper explaining on the ratings. I mean when people see I rated episode 3/10, they will think that I thought that the episode really sucked. Unless, of course, they have read my first post, which stated:
"I'll be giving each episode a review and then rating on scale 1-10. 1 being "Well, it's South Park so it can't be that bad" and 10.. well, *insert insanely positive adjective here*. I'll be giving most episodes probably low rating, but it doesn't mean that the episodes were that bad, I'll just be using this kind of shit scale. I aim that 5 would be average, but well see where it is when this is over."

I'm now going to give something more exact as now the meaning of different ratings has formed in my head:
1 = Pretty bad episode. If I remember correctly, there's only couple of these.
2 = Still bad for a South Park, but If I have 22 minutes and nothing better to do, I might as well give it a watch and be entertained.
3 = Fairly decent episode. In my head, this is the lowest "positive" rating. If I liked episode overall it will be 3 or over.
4 = Good episode. Might ever be a minor classic, but doens't quite life to it's potential.
5 = The bar for "average" was set pretty high, since rating 5 episodes are all very good already. They just lack little something to make them really great.
6 = Great episode, unique or just so funny that's it's really either a classic, or I just liked it really, really much.
7 = I'm not finding enough superlatives and there's still few ratings left. This it definitely an excellent episode, and a clear classic.
8 = One of the best episodes ever.
9 = Absolutely amazing episode, that I can't get enough.
10 = Perfect episode - so far to be seen and I doubt any will ever get this rating. Maybe a fail from my part to not have episodes with rating 10, though what I could do is to rescale my original ratings and have one episode have 10, and promote some of 8 episodes to 9 etc... But I'm not going to do that, so we'll going to wait eagerly for this kind of episode.

That's all for now.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Minor revisions

I have been doing some revisions to the old reviews, BUT having said that, the old reviews are still intact. The thing I've been doing it is to just have "Revision:" after the review, and then I explain what has changed from my original opinion. There's not really that much changed on most episodes, it's just that not all the ratings are on correct scale. What I mean is that I have season 3 episode that I've rated 3/10 and season 8 episode that I've rated 5/10, but I think that the season 3 episode is better. So that's when I revise, mostly it will be just fixing the ratings. But some of the time I might be inclined to say some other stuff too. Also, when I was reviewing the latter seasons, I had schemas in my head to pretty much say, how good is episode of certain rating, whereas in first few season's it was bit of a guessing game. I'll explain that with more detail in later posts.

I've been watching the better (rated 5 and over) episodes recently, but I don't have that much time anymore and it's not really good for me to watch South Park (causes physical addiction and then all my spare time goes down the toilet).

When I'm done with all my revisions, I'll make another post where I'll bring it all together with new averages after changing etc. But I don't expect them to change much. The closely contested seasons might change order, but Season Six will surely still lead after revisions and Season Two will be the worst.

I'm taking this very seriously, but still you gotta remember that these are only my opinions, and not exact science. But it's fun stuff to do.

I've been also planning to release some pondering about the direction of the series, but I don't have really that much to say and I've not had the time to do such a thing. Maybe at some point in the future..

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Season Thirteen: Impressions on the first half

Just finished watching all the seven episodes that have came out so far and decided to give some thoughts.

I was a little dissapointed to be honest. There was some moments where I laughed out loud, but they were few and at times the show seemed a little predictable and a bit silly. I mean, Mickey Mouse? C'mon? I laughed, but still.. wtf. But that's South Park for you, crazy stuff happen.

But still, I think the downward spiral continues. I still enjoy the show, but true classic episodes come few and far between. I'm still hopeful that the fall season improves. Besides, maybe those episodes grow on me eventually. But like I said, I'm not going to give real reviews until some time has passed.

Edit: It's been few weeks since I made this post and.. Well, I haven't rewatched those episodes or anything, but I have still started to think that well, they weren't that bad of an episodes. Well, at least not all of them. I also say "downward spiral" and that's bit dramatic, considering that the quality of the shows is going down only a bit, if even that. Besides, most of internet kiddies still loved the new episodes.

But I'm not going to talk about them until I rewatch the episode sometime next winter. Why then? Since I want to wait out for the whole season before starting the reviews.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Season Twelve: The End (Episodes 10-14)

Episode 10: Pandemic
This is again a twoparter, and most of the twoparters are well made. It can be said from this too, although I think for example Imaginationland was way better (though Imaginationland was a trilogy, but whatever). Introducing Craig as main character was a fresh twist, although I still think Craig is a dick. Bringing Craig in produces many scenes where Craig is whining, and they're pretty good. I have to ask that how the hell should have boys anticipated that the military's gonna move in on peruvian pan flute -bands? The giant guinea pigs were also a great addition. You gotta love their sound, it's really intimidating. So it's good stuff, I'll rate it 7/10.

Revision: I think I bit overrated this episode. It really doesn't stand multiple views that well. But still it has it's merits, so I only drop it's rating to 6/10.

Episode 11: Pandemic 2 - The Startling
Alright, the second part. This included lots of boring walking (courtesy of Craig) and same Randy videotaping everything while guinea pigs lay waste of South Park that we saw in the first part. Well, there's obviously some twists to it, guinea pigs dressed in all kinds of costumes, which is funny at first but it wears down during the episode. It's worse than part one. I didn't like the ending either. Craig's still a dick. I rate this 4/10.

Episode 12: About Last Night
I kind of liked this, even though remembering the first viewing wasn't all excited about seeing this again. This focuses more on Obama, McCain and Co. so it's a bit of un-South Parkish if you will. It's obvious parody of Ocean's Eleven and I've been complaining about too much of this kind of stuff, but I guess this episode manages not to cross the border where it's annoying. The other part of the show isn't that funny, but it's necessary so I don't complain about this. Decent episode, I rate it 5/10.

Revision: I still think it's a decent episode, just think I had miscalibrated my rating. I'd rather watch almost any other episode rated 5/10 and even some rated lower. So I lower the rating of this episode to 4/10.

Episode 13: Elementary School Musical
They didn't even have to change anything. They could've just put High School Musical scenes with South Park characters and it would've been funny. Cause that' how ridiculous they are. It's funny enough episode, even though it's torture to sit through those songs, but I was disappointed in the end for the fact that they gave in. The subplot with Bridon is ridiculous, at least in his dad's part. Perhaps the most satisfying moment of the episode was when Bridon and his mother started beating him up. I love Kyle's restyled hair. As for rating, this earns 5/10.

Episode 14: The Ungroudable
So the last episode I'm gonna review this way in a while. I guess it was decent, although again wasn't the boys as a main characters. But as much as I have complained about it, it's good to have these kind of episodes once in a while for a change. But that still counts as a negative in my ratings. Anyway, I like goth kids as characters as I've earlier stated, but it isn't obviously your standard South Park when they're in the spotlight. What kids are doing at the IT class is pretty much standard nowadays. Who goes to school to learn anything anyway? And I agree with the ending speech goth kids gave. If you're going to dress all black you should at least hate living. I rate this 4/10.

That's it. That's Season Twelve for you. It wasn't that good of a season since it had two absolutely shit episodes. Overall quality dropped a bit. But Major Boobage was a highlight, rest of the episodes failed the hit the heights of recent seasons. It still managed quite ashtonishing 4,5 for average, still you have to be bit dissapointed. The show peaked at Season Six and has continued it decline since. It's still better than the first couple of seasons, but those episodes have their nostalgia value already. I guess it still is what you should expect, it's hard to keep on topping yourself season after season. Even this season had few very good episodes and most of the others were at least solid.

As I'm writing this, Season Thirteen has aired it's first half. I haven't obviously seen any of those episodes. What I'm going to do now is watch them, return to them probably some time next winter and write my reviews of them after second viewing, like all of the other episodes. I might write something South Park related on here in the meantime.

Here's some statistics for you:

Seasonal Standings:
Season Six 5,29
Season Nine 4,93
Season Four 4,82
Season Ten 4,71
Season Eleven 4,57
Season Twelve 4,5
Season Five 4,43
Season Eight 4,43
Season Seven 4,27
Season Three 4,18
Season One 3,92
Season Two 3,39

Average of all episodes 4,42. Wow, I got the scale almost right.

Episodes rated 10/10:

Bebe's Boobs Destroy The Society (Season Six)
The Death of Eric Cartman (Season Nine)
Return of Chef (Season Ten)
Christian Rock Hard (Season Seven)
Kenny Dies (Season Five)

Cartman's Mom Is A Dirty Slut (Season One)
Raisins (Season Seven)
Imaginationland I & II (Season Eleven)
Spooky Fish (Season Two)
Wacky Molestation Adventure (Season Four)
Woodland Critter Chrismas (Season Eight)
The Losing Edge (Season Nine)
Chinpokomon (Season Three)
The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers (Season Six)
Major Boobage (Season Twelve)
Asspen (Season Six)

Season Six beats the rest in terms of number of quality episodes too. I decided not to make a top 10, since it's really hard for me to judge between these. I might do it in the future though. Let's have a look at the worst episodes:

Rated 1/10:
Sexual Harrasment Panda (Season Three)
The Mexican Staring Frog of the Southern Sri Lanka (Season Two)
Mr. Hankey's Chritmas Classics (Season Three)
Prehistoric Ice Man (Season Two)
Over Logging (Season Twelve)
Terrance And Phillip Not Without My Anus (Season Two)
Britney's New Look (Season Twelve)

Almost all of them from the earlier season's especially from second season, which was by far the worst. I'm not going to list all the episodes that got 2/10, there's too many of them. Season Twelve's episodes with the bottom rating suck in a different way to those early episodes. Did I really give Sexual Harrasment Panda 1/10? It's not that bad really.

That brings me to the next point. I'm probably going to do some revising also. Nothing major, I might for example give better rating for SHP, etc. But nothing major. I was thinking about 2/10. When I started this thing, I had no set patterns to rate episodes, nor after 182 episodes there's certain standards that earn the rating, I think those standards might merit a different rating for some of the episodes.

But enough about that, see ya in the future.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Season Twelve Stalemate (Episode 6-9)

Episode 6: Over Logging
There's many reason's why I don't like this episode. There's isn't that much funny stuff going on. In general, references are a good thing, but lately at South Park it's been more usual to see a reference than something original. This episode is again filled with references to movies. Besides, the whole idea of internet disappering is technically absurd. What a bunch of retards those guys at the Internet HQ or whatever are when they don't even try the obvious unplugging the power cord trick? But it's standard South Park. Unsurprising and stale standard, by now at least. I rate this 1/10.

Episode 7: Super Fun Time
This is kind of a good episode. Cartman and Butters holding hands just can't fail. Super Fun Time -part was decent, though we have heard better Cartman-songs.. At least seeing Butters' resiliency in holding Cartman's hand made it worthwhile. The other subplot was again a referencefest, but at least it was decent. This episode once again resorts bit to the retardness in terms of the pioneer village's employees, but I can handle it. All in all, it's decent episode and I'm rating it 5/10.

Episode 8: The China Probrem
This is a great episode. There's once again two plots going on at the same time, Cartman & Butters vs. China and rest of the guys trying to deal with Indiana Jones getting raped. The latter is great stuff. They managed to make those rape scenes in a way that they weren't too appalling. Lucas' & Spielberg's expressions in those are just hilarious. Of course they're again references, but they're references the way references should be. The other plot isn't as good, but it gets interesting when Butters starts shooting people to the balls. I rate this.. 7/10.

Episode 9: Breast Cancer Show Ever
I've referenced to this show many times in my reviews. That's because when starting this I had most recently obviously watched 12th season and this was the thing first in my mind. The disappointment of seeing Cartman getting beat up by Wendy.. It turns out good in the end, with Cartman being delusional and all, but still, I kind of hoped Cartman wins. Wendy pisses me off, and I kind of like Cartman in all his shittyness. Though Cartman had it coming for him. There's not really that much more to this episode. I'm still somehow disillusioned, can't really explain it more than this. Maybe it's because Cartman was such a pussy in this episode too prior the fight. But whatever, I'll still give it 5/10.

And as Wendy put it "I'm finished" (for the night at least)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Season Twelve - So It Begins (Episode 1-3)

Forgot to make any kind of predictions in the last post, so I'm going to have a quick look at the episode list.. I doubt this can really compete with Season Six either, but it's a bit better than Season Eleven overall. Let's start!

Episode 1: Tonsil Trouble
This is a pretty good episode. There's interesting Cartman-Kyle dynamic here, though I have to say that Kyle is once again a bit too hostile towards Cartman for my taste. But he really has to, Cartman gave him AIDS. I think Kyle deserved it for laughing at Cartman, though. The whole consept of Cartman getting AIDS from harmless Tonsil removal surgery is great. There's couple of other good moments in this episode too, so I have to give it 5/10.

Episode 2: Britney's New Look
This is gotta be one of the worst episodes ever. I don't care about any references or shit like that. It's just way too dark to be funny. I don't give a crap about Britney Spears, I think this episode has the correct message, as in, maybe she could be left alone, but still, fuck this episode. Britney's new look is awful. She looks disgusting. I think it might have actually been a good episode if she'd died when she blew her head away. I'm not meaning that she should kill herself, I'm not stating anything against her, it's just that this episode would've been better. Fuck. I'll just shut up and rate it 1/10. The next episode is much better.

Episode 3: Major Boobage
Great stuff. You go from pretty much all-time low to one of the best episodes in a while. Seeing the "Heavy Metal" -referencing world that you get when you cheese made me feel like cheesing. We have plenty of cats in our house.. There's really anything more to this story, but there isn't any need for anything more.. Wait a minute, there's more to it, I just got clouded by all the boobs. There's of course the cat-saving Cartman referencing to Schindler's list. That's great twist too. It deserves 8/10 for this episode.

Episode 4: Canada On Strike!
I didn't remember this was the episode where all those Youtube-references were made. That's definitely a highlight of this episode. The canadian strike is as interesting as it's viewed in this episode. And Denmark isn't exactly the Canada of the Europe, they do not like hockey as far as I know. At least they suck at it. Still, the Youtube-shit makes this episode worthwhile, so 3/10. Butters' version of that song is much better than the original.

Episode 5: Eek, A Penis!
Man, this episode had so much more potential. I was about to get excited when Cartman got to be teacher's substitute. But no, we don't see pretty much anything of that, instead make way for boring stereotype problem kids from other school. It's spoofing some movie and it's not that bad, but there were potential to really funny shit. This was just stale and morally twisted. Mr. Garrison's penis isn't that interesting of subplot, the highlight of that was that duet the mouse and the penis did, and that pretty much sums up how fucked up it was. Anyway, it's fair so let's give it 3/10.

Season Eleven Conclusion (Episodes 13 & 14)

This is gonna be a short post. I'm obviously going to view more than just the two episode remaining, but I'm still going to split them into two posts.

Episode 13: Guitar Queer-O
My opinion is divided on this one too. I too think that playing Guitar Hero is idiotic, I'd much rather actually play the songs with real guitar than waste my fuckin' time pretending like playing it. I don't need a game to do that. But enough about Guitar Hero, this episode still has it's moments. Well nothing particularly outstanding, but it's your basic music plot with South Park twists. But it's nothing memorable. At least the ending has some satisfaction in it. I rate this episode 2/10 and we go on.

Episode 14: The List
This episode ends the season with a high note, kind of. It's not great episode, but this wasn't exactly a great season either, guess all their effort went to the Imaginationland treble. But yeah this episode has a good message and some decent jokes. New characters, the ugly kids are introduced and it has some "old school" moments, like Stan puking on Wendy and Cartman telling that he's not fat. Also, Kenny dies which hasn't happened that often recently. I was still bit turned of by the girl's listmaking protocol. But this is decent stuff, I rate it 4/10.

My predictions before the season were correct, this averaged 4,57. Not top class, but above average. Which is a bit too much when you think this season overall. Without Imaginationlands it would near the bottom. But here's standings before we start twelth season:
Season Six 5,29
Season Nine 4,93
Season Four 4,82
Season Ten 4,71
Season Eleven 4,57
Season Five 4,43
Season Eight 4,43
Season Seven 4,27
Season Three 4,18
Season One 3,92
Season Two 3,39

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Season Eleven Until Imagionationland

Episode 6: D-Yikes
This episode has moments, but overall, I don't know. It goes maybe too far in 300 spoofing? Feels like a waste of time watching Mrs. Garrison making coffee slow motion. The mexican-stuff were good, and those scissoring scenes are, well at least memorable. But I feel anyway that there's not enough good shit to make it a true classic. Once again it's not the boys as a main character and it's pretty much there were it fails. But I'm not saying this is all bad, I'm rating it 3/10 anyways.

Episode 7: Night of the Living Homeless
This is a bit better than the standard shown so far this season. There's a ton of zombie flick references. But that's not what makes this episode decent. It's the Cartman jumping homeless people and the way it's all the time credited to being Kyle's idea. Great joke and it's pumped to the max. Also the song that the boys sing is great. The episode feels also better than the previous since the boys are again the main characters. I'm rating this 4/10.

Episode 8: Le Petit Tourette
This continues the improvement on eleventh season. There's many good jokes here. The whole concept is funny enough and it's reinforced with Craig's great "If I could.. I'd be so happy" -lines. I don't know anything about Chris Hansen, but apparently he's effective as taking out pedophiles. Speaking of pedophiles, the one's in this episode were great. I just loved their reactions to what the kid with tourette's said. Cartman - Kyle dynamics is great in this one too. This is easily the best show of season eleven so far. Still, I don't think it's exactly one of the greats, meaning that I'm going to rate it "only" 7/10.

Episode 9: More Crap
Oh my god. I remember when this was on tv, I happened to be watching it with my mom. She doesn't watch South Park that much. I guess her whole view of South Park bases on this episode. It's obviously parody about the fact that South Park won the Emmy. That's pretty much only good thing.. Well, I have to say that the way Bono's presented is good too. But this is just too crap episode. I'm sorry had to use that.. It's entertaining, I give it that, so I gotta rate it 3/10. I just want to move to legendary Imaginationland threeparter.

Episode 10: Imaginationland I
Wow, this was as good as I remembered it. The foundation is laid for the rest of the trilogy by Kyle losing a bet to Cartman, and now Kyle has to suck Cartman's balls. This episodes, and all of this trilogy's episodes' greatness stems from familiarity. The imaginationland characters are all familiar and there's also ton of movie references. You gotta love the Saving Private Ryan reference when the terrorist's attack. Ronald McDonald picking up his severed arm.. Classic stuff. The ending is also great. But this whole trilogy is filled with too many great moments to list them all. I'll give this episode 8/10 and we'll talk more in the reviews of remaining two.

Episode 11: Imaginationland II
The most of the stuff that applied in the part one applies to this too. It's great episode too, although I feel that the first one was a bit better. You gotta love the Gladiator reference though. There's obviously a ton of other references in this episode too, but I'm not gonna get in to detail with them. Why I feel this is a bit worse than the first one is because there's more downtime, like when Cartman and Kyle are in the conference room and when they're trying to get the Stargate.. I mean Imagination portal or whatever to work. But it's still great episode, I'm going to rate it 8/10 too.

Episode 12: Imaginationland III
So, the conclusion. Kyle finally sucks Cartman's balls. It's satisfying ending to the trilogy. Great scene, Cartman's expressions are great. They pretty much use up that intruder-joke. One thing I forgot to mention in previous episode's review is that Popeye is just great in this trilogy. Also, the start to this episode is great. Al Gore is still insane and has his part in fucking up everything. But in the end, it works out well. It's still worse than the first two parts, I gotta give it 7/10.

Revision: Well, I'm not going to change the rating or anything like that, but just gotta mention the ending. It's somewhat cheap. Butters just emerges from the blankness and recreates everything? I'd rather had the nuke not go off and some alternate way to end, but guess it's not that bad since it didn't originally bother me as much. Not at least enough to mention it here.

That leaves only two episodes of this season for our final post, but fuck it.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Season Eleven Big Bang (Episodes 1-5)

It's again middle of the night, I can't sleep, so what's better there to do than grab something to eat and start watching South Park! It's time for Season Eleven.

Episode 1: With Apologies to Jesse Jackson
I don't know about this one. The niggerguy thing is kind of funny and Randy "apologizing" to Jesse Jackson is ridiculous - albeit bit disgusting. The other part of the episode was the midget-thingy, which didn't really make that much of sense and I failed to find it funny. If the midgetguy is supposed to have black belt in karate you'd think Cartman would be a piece of cake for him. After all, Wendy beat Cartman easily in "Breast Cancer Show Ever". Although the midget was kind of ridiculous, for some reason I still wanted him to kick Cartman's ass. Weird, I thought I like Cartman.. Overall, it's bit stale episode, I'll rate it 2/10.

Episode 2: Cartman Sucks
Oh Cartman, Cartman.. Your stupidity is so frushtrating. This is a decentish episode. Cartman's shit about photography while he shows his pictures - both at the beginning and in the end - is funny. The other subplot with Butters is decent too, not that funny though. My favorite Cartman line here is "there's sort of a- penis in my mouth right here" from the end speech. That's pretty much all there is to this episode, suprisingly little to say here. I rate this episode 3/10.

Episode 3: Lice Capades
Oh, not this lice-episode. That's what I thought at least when it started. But now after watching it again, it wasn't that bad. It's well split with what happens in the real world and what happens in the Clyde's head. The whole lice-subplot is obviously cliche-filled and the accent of the lice sounds stupid, but you're still happy to see the liceguy make it in a safe place. I still have to wonder, why did the vice-president guy shoot him. I mean, it wasn't like he were staying anyway? The better part of this show is the schoolparts etc. But there's isn't anything particularly good jokes in there either. So why the fuck don't I think this wasn't that bad? I don't know, it just works somehow. I rate it 3/10.

Episode 4: Snuke
This is the classic 24 spoof. I haven't watched the series, but I know the stuff (I'd have to be living under a rock not to know). It's nothing that original, but just the parodying something as big of a pop culture thing like this has to work. Cartman is great in this episode. I like how he tries to sound like Jack Bauer. "Not any more you're not" gag is also good stuff. The torturing were disgusting and I can't believe anyone would let that happen. No matter the circumtances. The british were suprising twist in the plot, pretty much loyal to 24 in that sense. I have to rate it only 5/10, though, since it's not really that great.

Episode 5: Fantastic Easter Special
This is pretty fucked up stuff. I don't know whether to hate it or love it. The whole Hare Club for Men idea is lucidrous, while the Stan's question about the connection between dyeing eggs and Jesus resurrecting is relevant. Then the ninjas assault and.. it just gets way out of hand. It's nice to see Jesus first time in a long while. I have to say that the ending is great, I mean Jesus killing Bill Donohue - who was a great villain in this episode. This episode turns from a retarded idea to a fascinating little episode, but still, it's too weird to be considered a true classic. I rate it 5/10.

I'm surprisingly tired. I'm heading to bed now, see ya.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Season Ten: Rest of Second Half

Episode 10: Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy
This is a good one. Whole Cartman being Dog the Bounty Hunter idea is good. The scene where he gets his authority as a hallway monitor is great "Authorita?". The other subplot isn't as funny, but it has nice running gag, I mean literally, "Nice". But that's what it is, hot teacher banging a boy. Nice. Who wouldn't want that? Nothing else particularly outstanding in this episode, it's just solid stuff. I'm gonna rate it 5/10.

Episode 11: Hell on Earth 2006
I've seen this episode couple of times. It's pretty good. Biggie Smalls thing is good. It springs some good humor. I don't really know this My Super Sweet 16 show so I can't really comment on that. The three murderes stuff were also good, in a silly way obviously. Wow. I just can't come up with anything reasonable to say about it, so let's just cut the bullshit and rate it.. 5/10.

Episode 12: Go God Go
Another twoparter in this season. An this one's pretty good too. It's hard to make atheism vs. faith conversation funny, so I don't focus much on that, but otherwise the subject of the episode was enthralling. What I mean is all that Wii coming out and Cartman's lack of patience gets him 500 years to the future. It's not that funny, but it lays foundation to the second one and it's pretty decent. I rate this 4/10.

Episode 13: Go God Go XII
Few episodes later, I take it? It's fine since it makes possible the reusage of the timetransition making it the theme at the same time for this twoparter. This second part is where it really kicks in. Great animation in South Park standards, good stuff amusementwise with Cartman calling himself in the past and Butters and Kyle etc. etc. It also makes couple of decent points, but that's really not the most important thing. The ending is also great. I rate this one 6/10.

Episode 14 : Stanley's Cup
I think that this episode, at least on the conseptual level, is rather good. What ruins it is that it is too dark. Kid dying in cancer, harsh realities of life and all that stuff makes it too hard to even try to laugh at any point. And what's up with that guy giving speeches all the time with background music? Sounds like those Rob Schneider -trailers from few seasons back, don't remember episode title though. Anyway, it could've been much more, but it failed. I rate it 2/10.

And that's it for season ten. I guess the quality of the episodes has gone up since I'm watching these at insane pace, even though I don't really have the time and I should be doing something useful with my time. Season Ten was a good season, with couple of high points, but couple of two's and few threes in ratings managed to drop it's average rating to a 4,71. So despite great start to the season (after four episodes its average was 7!) it only ranks as down as fourth in terms of which season were better. So while quick look made you think it was a great season, it flopped towards the end. I still enjoyed it very much.

Standings so far:
Season Six 5,29
Season Nine 4,93
Season Four 4,82
Season Ten 4,71
Season Five 4,43
Season Eight 4,43
Season Seven 4,27
Season Three 4,18
Season One 3,92
Season Two 3,39

Only one season so far managed "above average". But it seem like the real average is 4,5 or something. Anyway, good look towards the season eleven.. Well, there's the Imaginationland threeparter which will participate heavily towards the average and it's good stuff and some decent episodes, but few stale that I remember too. I'd predict it to go upper half of the seasons, but not really challenge sixth season's place at the top.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Season Ten First Half And Beyond

Episode 1: Return of Chef
They gave proper goodbye to Kenny in Kenny Dies, and now Chef receives the same treatment. It's a really good episode, especially when you think that they already had to do without Isaac Hayes who departed due to the scientology-controversy. Everything in this episode makes perfect sense and it's funny as hell. I couldn't stop laughing when Chef told he wants to put his balls inside Kyle's rectum etc. This episode is also great analogy to their stance in the real-life situation. Chef dies one of worst deaths ever in cartoons, but is then ressurrected as Darth Chef. So loads of great stuff in this. I'm obliged to rate it 9/10.

Episode 2: Smug Alert
This is a decent episode too. I like Cartman-Kyle rivalry, but when it gets too far it's annoying, but in this episode Cartman actually saves his life and that is a good thing. The George Clooney oscar speech smug cloud and global laming are couple of funny things that are in this episode. Also the whole "Good for you" "Thanks" gag was funny. And yeah I gotta point out too the Ike's tripping balls. He's totally tripping balls. What I don't like in this episode is Stan's gay little song, though I think he gets a little harsh treatment because of that. All in all, it's episode worth rating of 6/10.

Episode 3: Cartoon Wars I
These twoparters are always tough ones to rate. Because this is a great as a whole. I think that this first one got to be the worse one, but it's not bad. The Family Guy mocking is reasonable, I've never cared for that show at all. I love South Park, think Simpsons is good also, King of the Hill is reasonable.. But Family Guy is just like "who cares?". Nothing original and the points made in this episode, though I never really thought of why I didn't care for the show before this episode. But I could try talking about this episode for a change. It's main subject of course is the free speech and it stems from the Muhammad-pictures from the Denmark. It's all good, there's definitely point to that. But let's talk more about that in the second part. I rate this one 6/10.

Episode 4: Cartoon Wars II
This is the better one of these two, not by much though. In this twoparter the Cartman & Kyle rivalry really went to the extreme, but it was done well so it didn't bother me. Bart ganging up with Cartman is also great addition. Also the King of the Hill staff makes a cameo. The final battle is epic and the retaliation is massive. In this two-parter I loved the usage of news footage of Al Qaeda bosses etc. Especially after the retaliation cartoon, the guy goes like "Yeah there you got it", it seems at least, then there's of course the fake subtitles, don't remember exactly what there's but whatever. I also love the bits of self-irony that there is in this episode. It's a memorable twoparter and this gets the rating of 7/10.

Episode 5: Million Little Fibers
I used to hate this episode, while my little brother seemed to think that is the funniest shit ever made. I don't hate this as much any more, but it is a bit weird. I love Toweleeie, but even he is a bit dull in this episode. What really steals the show are Oprah pussy and asshole. And that pretty much sums it all up. It's partly funny, but it just goes waaaay to far to the absurdity, so I'll rate it only 2/10.

Episode 6: Manbearpig
I don't know about this episode. Al Gore is ridiculous character, which is good, but it goes to the point where he is really annoying. You start of like the other characters feeling bad for him and laughing at his funny antics like saying "serial" instead of serious and "excelsior", but he ends up being antagonist and driving you nuts with his idiocy. Cartman's treasure subplot is pretty good, especially I liked the dialogue after Kyle wakes up while Cartman is staring him close-up. Decent stuff, but I'm going to rate it as low as 3/10.

Episode 7: Tsst
Well, tough one to rate. I kinda like it, but the other boys are in so small role.. Well, just fuck it. The concept of the episode is good. Nice idea to have "dog whisperer" to finally get Cartman to behave. Nanny-parts were decent, but that part was simply better. I also like the sequence where Cartman tried to get a place for the night. Especially from Craig. This episode explains some of Cartman's behaviour and there's character deveploment, at least until the end where Cartman's mom "hits the reset button", if you will. But all-in all decent episode, I'm rating it 5/10.

Episode 8: Make Love, Not Warcraft
I despise WoW and all similar MMORPG:s. But putting that aside, this is good episode and it is kind of anti-WoW. It's cool to see the 3d-animation and all that shit, but there's some really grotesque shit going on, like Cartman taking a crap practically on his mom and all the guys getting fat and othewise disgusting too. That's what turns me off bit about this episode, but it's still decent one. I miss every inside joke obviously since I'm not touching that piece of crap. But it's decent, let's rate it 3/10.

Let's do one more..

Episode 9: Mystery of Urinal Deuce
This is, well, confusing episode. At least when it comes to 9/11 parts. It's not really that funny. The funnier part about this episode is the somebody taking a dump in the urinal. I don't know whether that's sad or good. I mean Mr. Mackey uses up pretty much all potential that joke has. The Hardy Boys.. Well, what the fuck? I'm totally getting a raging clue. Okay. This episode has those funny moments, but it's still not that great. 3/10 is in order.

Nicely 5 episodes left for the next session. Season Ten is looking good so far.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Season Nine: Going All The Way (Episodes 7-14)

Episode 7: Erection Day
So this episode is all about Jimmy's random erection. It manages to be suprisingly good also. For example, Jimmy's idea of earpiece is really, um.. invisible. Funny shit. It's just solid, nothing especially standing out for me. I found the hooker-part mostly appalling and a little random, but it doesn't ruin the episode. There's also some continuity-issues, but they are more rule than exception anyway, so whatever. I just love it when Jimmy hits on women. "I was wondering if I could stick my penis in your vagina?" Classic. Gotta give it 5/10.

Episode 8: Two Days Before Day After Tomorrow
This episode makes mockery about Day After Tomorrow and the reactions of hurricane Katrina. It is really as dumb as this episode suggests. So it's right on the point again. Some Cartman-Kyle interactions in this episode were plain weird. Like the ends Cartman threatening Kyle with pistol and such. The most of the time this episode were just too dumb to be really that funny. But anyway, it's has fair points so I rate it 3/10.

Revision: I just gotta wonder my scale here a bit, this is again one of those spots where I'd rather watch any other episode rated 3/10 than this. So it drops to 2/10.

Episode 9: Marjorine
Overall I like this episode. In their commentary, Matt & Trey commented that there's too much going on and when you think of it like that, that's true. But I don't mind. I have to agree with them though that the ending is dissatisfying. But the whole idea is just hilarious. The boys having all this effort to get that "device" from the girls. Lots of good scenes like Butters "killing himself" and he talking in the phone to his "mom". And when you see that it really could have been two good episode's with this much of good material. But I don't count that as a negative thing, so overall it's good one, gotta give it 6/10.

Episode 10: Follow That Egg!
For some reason I always think of this as some early episode, like season three or something. It has that old feel to it, though Wendy and Stan not being together should ring some bells for me. But this is a decent episode again. It's about gay marriage which is obvious subject for an episode. Stan-Kyle -dynamic is nice in this one, I like the line "Well, so is your hat". The Stan's obvious feelings for Wendy are there, but the episode still ends with the great line "Like I give a crap about what you think, Wendy." It's good stuff and nice to see once in a while something that has nothing disgusting in it (unless you count gays as disgusting, though I'm meaning something visually appalling). I give it 6/10.

Episode 11: Ginger Kids
This is another decent episode. Now I don't get what Trey & Matt has against ginger kids, but anyway this manages to be entertaining. Cartman's speech is funny, the whole daywalker idea is there and gingers start to get discriminated. It's also obvious that Cartman is going all Hitler for the gingers in the end. Also what the fuck is that guy "got everything you need?" The scene were gingers captures other kids is great. So it's decent episode even though I don't completely get the subject. I give it 4/10.

Episode 12: Trapped in the Closet
This episode made it in the top 10 episode -DVD for Trey & Matt, and I see why, but it's not really only the episodes merit. It's most since the controversy it caused and such thing, it blew the whole thing off. This episode caused Isaac Hays' departure and lots of shit. But if you're a serious fan, you know all that shit. Is this really that good of an episode? Of course not, but it's still fair. It's your standard South Park goofiness and I have to say that the scientology explanation bit is satisfying. All that evil lord Xenu shit and such. The closet-thing is standard humor and it works. Also R. Kelly -character is funny and crazy as shit. But yeah enough about this overhyped shit, I rate it 5/10 and we'll move on.

Revision: Well I said that it was overhyped, but I still gave too much weight for the fact that it was Matt & Trey's favourites and gave it more than it deserved. 4/10.

Episode 13: Free Willzyx
This is one of those episodes that I have seen couple of times on someones worst episode nomination. But to be honest, I don't really see why. Whales are a dull idea and this has some things that are disturbing, but it's still not that bad. Especially when it originates the detailed sketch of the boys which is by now legendary. The guys at the booth are assholes and you're glad to see at least other of them die. The end screen for some reason is disturbing to me. I mean it would have been ok if it just stuck there for couple of seconds and then the credits have hit, but now it's there few seconds in haunting silence and then the credits goes on it and it's still silent the whole time. Enough about it, I rate this 3/10 and we'll move on.

Episode 14: Bloody Mary
I'm exhausted. Luckily, this is the last episode of the season. I haven't been that productive in any of these reviews and now I'm just blank. The thing with these newer episodes has been that there really isn't that much moments that really stand out. Some episodes aren't even that funny, but they always got a good point or some background thing which kept you entertained. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. Anyway, this had me a bit frushtrated with Randy's stupidity, but there's nothing new there. I have to say that the karate teacher and references to him in the end were a bit corny. Man, I'm tired. Let's end this shit by rating it 3/10. I like how the emphasise the ass when they report about virgin Mary bleeding. From her ass.

Revision: Once again not good enough episode to be really 3/10. I don't know why I do these fuckups.

Overall, Ninth Season was a very solid season. It didn't have that many high points, but not many low points either and it just grinded out good average of 4,93. But to be honest, tenth season seems just the real contender to drop Season Six from it's throne. But we'll get back to that.

Standings so far:
Season Six 5,29
Season Nine 4,93
Season Four 4,82
Season Five 4,43
Season Eight 4,43
Season Seven 4,27
Season Three 4,18
Season One 3,92
Season Two 3,39

Friday, May 22, 2009

Season Nine: First Wave (Episodes 1-6)

Episode 1: Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina
God damn, fuck! I'm trying to eat here while I'm watching. That's disgusting. What were they thinking? I'm obviously talking about the real sex change operation footage. This is disturbing episode also in other ways. Mr. Broflowski's a dolphin? Okay. Kyle's feet has testicles inside them and the explode. Way too much gross stuff for me at least. Garrison being all enthuastic about his new vagina makes you cringe rather than laugh. It's also disorienting how doctor can just reverse the effects of the operations so easily. What a way to start a season. I hardly smiled watching this episode, but just for the fact that a few ideas were so absurd, I'm going to rate it 2/10.

Episode 2: Die Hippie, Die
Now this is far better. A Good plot, nothing that is disgusting, couple of funny jokes. That's all you need. It also has good Armageddon references and it also copies it's plot from the movie The Core. Cartman is great at the beginning going around terminating hippies. His speech about different types of hippies is all great. Also I like the mockery of hippies, since that's pretty much the fact what we see in this episode. I'm starting to go non-sensical, let's just rate it. Hmm, tough one, I'd say 5/10.

Episode 3: Wing
This is decent too. When I remembered what this was all about, I thought it was boring episode, but it turned out decent. I just didn't remember the best bits. The final battle at chinese mafia instantly reminds you of Scarface scenery-wise, and it must be that way on purpose, since Cartman says "You wanna play rough? Okay!" References to Scarface are almost always a positive thing. I thought about Wing that "what the fuck, what kind of character is she?" but it turns out she is actually a real person. I don't really care for her singing, but according to commentary, her career took off because of this episode, which is kinda cool. Overall, it's fairly funny and nice episode. I rate it 4/10.

Episode 4: Best Friends Forever
This episode won a fuckin' Emmy. That's how fuckin' good it is. No, I'm being sarcastic. I think this is a decent episode, but really, it's not that good. There's no squirrels going around saying "Hail Satan" or anything like that, so how could it even be that good? It's once again an episode which has an important issue that it gives it's view and once again I agree. It also has few funny moments, but not that many. What stood out for me was Michael sniffing his marker and his descriptions of the epicness of the end battle. For some reason, he was a very funny character. It's more of an important issue that got this episode the attention, but it's a decent one on the humor side too. I'm bit pressured obviously to give it a high rating, but I'm going as down as 6/10.

Episode 5: The Losing Edge
You just gotta love this episode. It's your every sports movie cliche thrown in but roles reversed. This time the protagonists try to lose. Except for Randy, who tried to beat the other thrash-talking dads. I love Rockys and this episode has a ton of references to Rockys. It's nothing that original, but it's the familiarity where it's greatness stems from. It's like Asspen, it's just the old cliches being recycled in a fun way. I liked this way more than previous episode, I'll go as high as 8/10 for this.

Revision: Man, I loved this way too much. It's still a great episode, but too unoriginal to be really considered one of the best. I mean that real classic like say "Tweek vs. Craig" got only 7/10, so I really must drop rating of this one to 6/10.

Episode 6: The Death of Eric Cartman

Now this is one of the classics. It's also a episode, where I like the Cartman-Butters -dynamic. The most of time it's either Cartman being too mean or Butters being too stupid. In this episode, it just all clicks in the place. That opening scene always gets me hungry. Cartman is a real dick there. I mean that's worst thing you could do. Worse than trying to exterminate all the jews or killing one's parents and feeding them to him. What's my favorite part in this episode though is the distancing from the camera -move that Cartman pulls every time he thinks he's on his way to heaven. It's just funny. Also Cartman using the chains as a ghost is hilarious. Oh and the song is also great. I gotta give it 9/10, drawing it level in my ratings with "Kenny Dies".

Revision: This is one of those episodes that I overrate because I remember so fondly when I first saw it. When I last rewatched this, it had already lost much of it's power. So down to the 7/10 it goes.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Season Eight Final Stand (Episodes 10-14)

Alright, let's do the rest of the episodes tonight.

Episode 10: Pre-School
This is a fairly good episode. The most of episodes this season has had something disturbing or disgusting in it, for example Mr. Jefferson's face falling apart and Butters getting shuriken in the eye. This episode the trend continues with Mrs. Claridge. She's really disturbing. Fortunately, she's not on the screen for long time. And I know she's a Star Trek reference. Pre-school bit is well done as is most of the episode anyway. Ending is also great. It's not exactly top quality, but very enjoyable still and I'm going to rate it 5/10.

Episode 11: Quest for Ratings
This is actually very good episode. Nice to see one of those for a while. It's great to see Matt & Trey parodizing their own lack of ideas sometimes. Crabpeople-reference is best point of that. Craig's idea is ridiculous, but you see something like that in the tv sometimes. But what it all boils down to is the ending, grand final. The show is just great. The music in the background and the serious overtone. It's like you are watching a real tv show. You gotta love Cartman's expressions, and the way he says his name. The rest of the stuff is good, but not as classic. I rate this 7/10.

Episode 12: Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset
Not really much to say about this one. It's spot on. But I didn't really find it that funny. Maybe the kind of commercial of Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset was one of the highlights. It's not bad, I'm not saying that, but it has much appalling stuff going on. But I guess it has to when it's this subject. But yeah like I said it's dead on and because of that, I can't really give it a bad rating, can I? I wouldn't even want to really, because it's a fair episode. 6/10.

Episode 13: Cartman's Incredible Gift
This is a fair episode. The time passing by effect makes you really think that Cartman was in coma for very long time, especially when you see him bearded. Face-warmer? Come on. It has a plethora of references once again to crime movies and series. Probably the best bit when the police is figuring that those really are left hands. It's so redundant yet effective and funny. I also once again agree with the point of the episode. That's all, I rate it 5/10.

Episode 14: Woodland Critter Christmas
Man. This is fucked up. I don't know even what to say. I hardly know whether I liked it or not. I mean it's ridiculous, all that overly cute critters, the mountain lion cubs, sentimental death of their mother, "Hail Satan", blood orgy... WHAT THE FUCK? The plot is just retarded, but the fact Cartman is supposed to have written it explains it. It's really an episode that's one of a kind. As for rating, I'm going to give it WTF/10. No just joking, let's say it's 8/10. It's so fucked up after all.

In conclusion, season eight - like all seasons - had some great episodes, but overall it was a bit bland, compared to the couple of previous season. On the other hand, most episodes were solidly at least the 3 or 4 quality, so it managed to average a 4,43 rating, being in fact better than Season Seven.

Top list so far
Season Six 5,29
Season Four 4,82
Season Five 4,43
Season Eight 4,43
Season Seven 4,27
Season Three 4,13
Season One 3,92
Season Two 3,39

Now quick look at Season Nine. Some episode titles don't ring a bell, others are more notorious than great. I'm not expecting it to take the lead, but it probably won't be the worst either.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Season Eight: Oh Come On Do I Have To Do This Now? (Episodes 7-9)

Episode 7: The Jeffersons
This wasn't as bad as my title for this post suggest, but there's this eerie horror-film feel to this episode and "Mr. Jefferson" looks disgusting, even more when his face starts to fall apart in end. The singing parts are most the same joke, but it's decent. I also like the way Mr. Jefferson says that they are ignorant. It's ridiculous really. Also the police parts are nice. Even though I feel I don't want to watch this again any time soon, I gotta give it 4/10.

Episode 8: Douche and Turd
As Jimmy says, "Key to successful humor is staying power". And staying power is really what is tested when I watched this episode just now, since I've seen this episode so many times. And to be honest, it has lost most of it's power, even if it had that much to begin with. The whole Jimmy -dialog is just a stuffing to begin with. The Puff Daddy video is funny though and the campaigning has some decent stuff though. I also like the mockery of PETA. So all-in-all this isn't that bad, I'll rate it 3/10.

Episode 9: Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes
Alright, so this episode has shitload of horror movie references, which I'm not going to list since there listed in other places. It's once again something near-decent, like most episodes this season has been. Not really bad, but not up the standard I got use to in couple of previous seasons. Besides, how many times you can recycle the same joke (I'm referring to Indepence Day -reference)? Nothing special stood out for me in this one, so I'll just rate it and call it a day.. 3/10.

Now I gotta grab some sleep. We'll see when I can continue and how many episodes I'll do.

Monday, May 18, 2009

More of Season Eight (Episodes 4-6)

Episode 4: The Passion of The Jew
There's good moments in this too, like Cartman praying to Mel Gibson and the point where Kyle comes to admit to Cartman that he's been right all along. But what the hell has Mel Gibson ever done to Trey & Matt? It's just one of those things again that is way too crazy. At least Mel Gibson looks funny with those changing expressions. But there wasn't all that much of funny shit in this episode. Cartman has been Hitler earlier so there's really nothing new. I'll rate it 3/10.

Episode 5: You Got F*d In The A
I guess this is a bit better that the few episodes prior to it, but I'm not still that big fan of this. It's just that the dancing as a subject isn't really interesting to me.. But anyway, this is still a decent one. I don't know what's going on since everything knows all this getting served stuff. It's nice to see again goth kids and raisins girls, and it was interesting to see the putting together of the dancing crew. Butters reveals his new side and of course wins the competition for South Park with his lethal tap dancing. It's decent though once again there's not all of the boys in the highlight. Oh and I have to say that "I've got something in my front pocket for you" is hilarious. But anyways this episode gets the rating of 4/10.

Episode 6: Goobacks
This isn't exactly classic either. These are not bad episodes, but after getting used to such high standard in last couple of seasons it's a bit letdown. The funniest thing in this episode is "they got our jobs!" Most of it though is just trying to make a point about immigration and all that shit. The ending is kind of funny though. But I'm more disgusted than amused about that pile of gay men. But yeah all that enviromentalism and trying to make a better future really is more gay than having sex with dozens of other men.. What? It's barely 3/10 for this one.

Such a low standard that I don't even feel like watching more.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Season Eight Starter (Episodes 1-3)

Episode 1: Good Times With Weapons
This is a great episode. It gets a little negative vibe after Butters gets his eye hit with shuriken, but prior to that and bit after that it's just great stuff. What I mean is that you feel the trouble boys are gonna get and Butters get way worse treatment than he deserves in this episode. This episode is great parody of anime. I don't like anime, but this episode is the shit. It could just have been episode of any anime shit, since that's how ridiculous that is. The song is awesome. Let's fighting love. What the fuck man. Still, the ending is bit unsatisfying and I felt bad for Butters, that's why only 6/10.

Episode 2: AWESOM-O
I don't know which frushtrates me more, Cartman being such an asshole for Butters or Butters being so incredibly stupid. So I'm not that big of a fan of these kind of episodes. It has some decent Adam Sandler -parody and scifi references, but that's pretty much it. I didn't find the rest of the episode that funny. I'll rate it 2/10.

Revision: I don't know, I think I was a bit harsh on this episode originally. I mean, some people think of this as a classic and even though I don't find it as entertaining as most, it still clearly stands out from the rest of the episodes that have such low ratings. I raise this to 4/10.

Episode 3: Up the Down Steroid
I don't know about this episode. It's kind of decent, although once again it's not all the boys in the spotlight, it's more of an Timmy & Jimmy episode, although there's Cartman and Kyle having a go at each other partly too. Cartman competing in the special olympics? Who expected him to win anyway? Cartman is really starting to piss me off in these newer episodes. Jimmy taking steroids -plot is clearly ripped of from somewhere and most of the time that's enough to make it funny, but I didn't find this one that funny. Although the "were you masturbating?" question is kind of hilarious. It's a bit better than previous episode, so 3/10 is in order.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Season Seven - Last Three (Episodes 13-15)

Episode 13: Butt Out
Oh my god. The Butt Out representation is so ankward that it really makes you feel like smoking. I can't blame the boys, it was hideous. It just goes on and on.. It's funny now that we're on seventh season and Kyle starts to anticipate what's going to happen. He guesses everything right obviously, but they won't listen to him. I kinda like the point this episode is making about smoking. I mean, I used to be one little Rob Reiner myself, telling my smoking friends that that's lame. But now, fuck it. Not too funny of an episode, but still decent. I'll rate it 4/10.

Episode 14: Raisins
This is a great episode. It introduces some new characters (Raisins girls, goth kids), includes a major long run plot deveploment (Wendy breaking up with Stan) and has very satisfying ending. Also it has cunt said in it. That's always a bonus. Raisins girls are disturbingly hot for a South Park characters (what's wrong with me?!). Goth kids are such a great characters, it's not wonder that we see them later more. Wendy breaking up with Stan was kind of disorienting, since they've been together for seven seasons. Well it has gotten a bit of background thing for few seasons, but still. But the ending is still satisfying as all hell, I mean that's how I felt for her after dumping Stan for Token. Alright, I'll rate it 8/10.

Episode 15: It's Christmas in Canada
Oh, not this. This is a bit frushtrating episode. Seen this couple times and it really doesn't take multiple views that well. What makes this worthwhile though is the Cartman crying in the end after Kyle hits him. Other than that, it's bit of a borefest. For me at least. I mean it's not that bad, not just for my taste. Too much singing and Canada frushtrates me. I'll rate it 3/10 anyway.

That's it with Season Seven. It averaged 4,27. It was bit worse than couple of previous seasons, but still decent. Though most of it's episodes were bit substandard, some highs saved it.

Official standings, corrected after mistakes in my spreadsheet:
Season Six 5,29
Season Four 4,82
Season Five 4,43
Season Seven 4,27
Season Three 4,18
Season One 3,92
Season Two 3,39

Well continue to eight season in next post. Looking at the episode name list, it doesn't seem particularly outstanding, but solid season with good episodes.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Season Seven - Beginning of an End (Episodes 10-12

Episode 10: Grey Dawn
This is a fine episode. To be honest I didn't find this that funny, but it makes a ton of references to other movies which makes it interesting to watch. The scene where the old people hit the roads at the same time is probably the episode's highlight, though I like the part where Cartman tells about his plans to take out old people. It has some subtance again in form of message, but I don't have much else to say about this. I'll rate it 3/10 and we'll move on.

Episode 11: Casa Bonita
Cartman and Kyle had always had some rivalry between them, but in this episode I notice that it's starting to get more vicious and not-too-friendly. It's really a process that happens during these newer seasons and I find it a bit disorienting. But this is still a decent episode. Cartman's plan seems bad to me since at any case he is not going to get away with it. But I guess only thing he cares about is to get to Casa Bonita, not what happens after that. Butters telling the woman that he's ready to repopulate the Earth makes me cringe. I don't know, this is kind of funny episode, but there's too much shit that I don't like. I rate it 3/10 anyway.

Episode 12: All About Mormons
Again the boys are a bit of a background characters in this episode, Stan is the main character as he gets to know this new mormon family. Most of the time you're just like Stan watching and thinking "what the fuck is going on?" There's not that much of a funny shit going on, since the mormons are disturbingly kind and all that shit. What this episode does have though is some substance and it has a point. Also it's nice to see what mormons actually believe (WTF?). The ending is great too. Suck my balls. 5/10 for this one.

Would like to go on, but once again I don't have to do it. The last three episodes of season seven in next post.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Season Seven I can't come up with anything (Episodes 5-9)

Episode 5: Fat Butt and Pancake Head
What the fuck did I just watch? This episode is fucked up beyond believe and I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad one. I honestly have to say that I laughed aloud to this episode. I don't do that a lot. Some stuff is disgusting at the same time that it's funny, like when Affleck licks Cartman's hand and then Cartman jacks him off. The songs are great. The ending is amazing too. It seems that this episode has everything going for it, it's just so absurd that I don't know what to think. Fuck it, I'll just rate it 6/10.

Episode 6: Lil' Crime Stoppers
This is actually very good episode. Not the most memorable one, but some good stuff in this too. Those CSI-style flashbacks are great and ridiculous. There's lot of other cliches used, but it's once again one of those episodes where boys are more of an bystanders. I mean they just stand there and the criminals kill themselves. Partly dissatisfying, but overall decent episode. I'll rate it 4/10.

Episode 7: Red Man's Greed
I don't know about this episode. It's really hard for me to relate any kind of native american stuff, since I'm not american. Besides I have lost painful amounts of money gambling so that's not cool to be reminded of that. The most frushtrating moment of this episode is when they win with their 10k and then bet everything in again. Then there's Alex, and we're like "who the fuck is that?" The in.. native american laughing style isn't funny to me, it's just annoying. So I didn't like this episode, I'll rate it 2/10.

Episode 8: South Park Is Gay!
I'm not that fond with this episode, but it's decent, I guess. The crabpeople thing is just insane. It's umm.. interesting to see gay versions of the characters, but all this Kyle left being an outcast is just like "been there, done that". Overall plot isn't that good, but it has some semi-good moments. I rate it 3/10, let's move on, next one is one of my all time favorites.

Episode 9: Christian Rock Hard
As I said, this is one of my all time favorites. It's the classic plot of Kyle and Cartman getting into a competition and Cartman obviously winning. And as always, it gets fucked up in the end. It's just great to see the process and the whole idea is sweet. But the best thing is obviously the songs. Wish I would heard the full songs, too bad there's not enough time to show them. The rest of the boys get into a strike against piracy. That's good subplot too and I agree to the point it is making, but I'm still against piracy. But I'm not here to talk about piracy. It's a great episode and I just have to give it 9/10. Only thing dropping it from perfection for me at least is the ending, which is anti-climatic. I mean as I've said I like Cartman. I don't like seeing him getting farted at by Butters.

That's enough for now.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Season Seven Starter (Episodes 1-4)

Episode 1 : Cancelled
There's a bit too much repetition in this episode to be a true classic, but it's still a decent one. It starts off exactly like the first episode of the show and I understand what they're doing to accomplish with it. It shows how the series have changed, but I still think it goes on a bit too long. Then there's the Cartman fart joke, which was decent (I mean bad) joke when you first saw it, but now repetition makes it boring. Jeff Goldblum -character is dumb, but the taco that shits ice cream is great. This episode is mostly about reality television and obviously there was more potential in this episode than it showed. But still, it's worth 3/10 rating.

Revision: Hell, I think this is definitely worth 4/10 rating. There was more potential maybe, but still, this is very memorable episode.

Episode 2: Krazy Kripples
I usually don't care much for episodes where the boys are not in the central role, but this episode is a pleasant exception. Though I don't really care for the Christopher Reeve stuff, pretty much only distantly funny thing in there is Larry King, who looks ridiculous. But the Timmy & Jimmy at the Crips is great stuff. Almost everything in that is at some level ridiculous, for example Jimmy's gangsta-talk and their clothes and all that. The ending is great too. I mean c'mon! But yeah that's it let's go on, 4/10 as a rating.

Episode 3: Toilet Paper
This is not the most original episode, but it's still good stuff. It has very much references to good movies, like Silence of Lambs, The Godfather and Scarface. Although you can hardly say references, some stuff is almost direct copying. But then again it's everything turned to South Park style so it makes it exciting. One joke that I like for some reason a lot is the scene where the boys buy toilet paper and the guy just starts "Toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet paper.." For some reason I find it so funny. Not a true classic, but very enjoyable episode. I rate it 4/10.

Episode 4: I'm A Little Bit Country
So this is the 100th episode. And good thing it came along, since my spreadsheet which keeps the records of my ratings and calculates the season averages only totaled 96. I had forgot to put some random episodes along the way which obviously messed the seasonal averages. It's nothing too signifigant though so I'll correct the averages I put earlier. But on to this episode, I don't know about this one. I think 100th would have deserved something better. It's decent, but nothing special. Just standard Cartman stuff trying to have flashback by the most ridiculous plans and as you know at this point those are obviously going to work. It's decent but like I said I would've hoped for something better. As for rating, 3/10 is enough.

Once again I've taken half day to made these reviews when I clearly don't have for this. Fuck me.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Season Six Sick Finisher (Episodes 12-17)

The Season Six has been good so far and eyeing some of the episode titles, it seems to stay good as well. So I'm eager to get on with it. Let's go!

Episode 12: A Ladder to Heaven
Where were you, when they started to build the ladder to heaven? Great song. No, it's terrible, but it's ridiculous. That's pretty much what's first thing in your mind after this episode. It's also good parody of the guy who made the 9/11 songs. That over-emotional stuff from everybody is the main joke of this episode and it's a good one. Also kind of getting Kenny back is cool, and in an intriguing way, by having him trapped inside Cartman's body. They really use up the Ladder to heaven -joke to the maximum in this episode, but it's good one, just a shame there really isn't much else. Except Cartman at the abortion clinic, that's kind of a good one. 5/10 is my rating for this.

Episode 13: The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers
Wow, didn't realise this were as early episode as sixth season. This is one of the most memorable episodes all time, since it's a Lord of the Rings -spoof and a good one. It all makes sense that porn is equivalent of the One Ring and Butters is Gollum etc. All the most memorable scenes of the movies are re-created in South Park setting. Also the score for this episode is ridiculous. The end is also great since the parents pretty much fuck everything up. It's very solid episode overall, just the fact that it makes you reflect the Lord of the Rings -movies strenghtens it's effect. An unique episode and I'll rate it 8/10.

Episode 14: The Death Camp of Tolerance
I don't know really what to think. What to think of Mr. Slave shoving a gerbil up his ass or the whole thing with Lemmiwinks journey's inside Mr. Slave's ass. That's just so fucked up that I don't know whether it's funny or disgusting. They grab some humor out the tolerance -thing though. The Schindler's List references were great too. But it's disgusting to think that Lemmiwinks is inside Mr. Slaves ass. But I kind of like Mr. Slave as a character. He's one-dimensional, but Jesus Christ. I'm so bad. I gotta stop this. I'll rate this 4/10.

Episode 15: The Biggest Douche in the Universe
I love the subject of this episode. I mean the psychics in general. They are douches. I've been into scepticism really much and it frushtrates me that some people actually believe in them. John Edwards gets the treatment he deserves in this episode. Very satisfying episode. The Rob Schneider stuff in this episode is some fun shit. Kenny's return is a little closer now that they get him out of Cartman also which is cool. So I like this episode and I'll rate it 6/10.

Episode 16: My Future Self 'N Me
Another solid episode, only one more left for this season. Some really nice jokes in this episode, like right at the beginning Jimmy telling he has done extacy. Hilarious. Another great moment is when Butters reveals his horrible secret of being Professor Chaos and Stan just says "You're gay? I'm okay with that." There's some other pretty good jokes and the plotside is decent too. Just some standard South Park stuff. Future Cartman is great way to end episode. Overall very steady episode and I'm going to rate it 6/10.

Episode 17: Red Sleigh Down
I've seen this episode more often than average, so it's starts to get a little dull for me. It also has a little boring start to it, but it gets great the nearer the end it gets. It transforms into more of an action movie and it has many references to those. When Jesus opens the closet in the church and it's filled with guns, you know that things are going to get awesome. And what's going with the facial expressions when the kinds get their presents? Jimmy's song was kind of funny when watching first time, but now it's just pain in the ass. An episode of two halves, but overall decentish. 4/10 and that's it.

So Season Six is over and what a season it was! It averaged whopping 5,29 and it sets the standard for the rest of the seasons. Now I just wonder are my rating criteria changing unintenionally or are these episodes really better.. Anyway, here's standings so far:

Season Six 5,29
Season Four 4,47
Season Five 4,43
Season Three 4,12
Season One 3,92
Season Two 3,33

Had a quick look at the episode list of Season Seven and to be honest, despite I've of course seen all of them, the titles don't say much for me. Only couple of episodes, which are really good. It might as well challenge Season Six, but we'll see. I would love to just keep watching them, but gotta do something else with my time too like I said in the last post. Also my review lack substance heavily.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Season Six: Vengeance (Episodes 7-11)

Episode 7: Simpsons Already Did It
This is sweet episode. Professor Chaos is again trying to destroy the world, but every great idea he comes up has already been done by the Simpsons. In the end Butters starts to go nuts and is delusional, which is sweet because we see ridiculous Simpsons-style for a while. Seaciety-idea is interesting, obviously, since Simpsons did it too! Along with the Simpsons-sequences the best moment in this episode is of course the Cartman singing about seapeople. General Disarray's "Simpsons did it" gets stuck in your head after the episode. But yeah this is a very good episode and I'll rate it 7/10.

Episode 8: Red Hot Catholic Love
Another funfest. This episode doesn't hold back, only few seconds into it and you're watching "Catholic Boat" intro from Randy's mind and it's hilarious. Cartman continues his rivalry with Kyle by winning a bet that you can crap out of your mouth. The way he rubs it in is great. "Kyle's money.." And he's even getting a freakin' medal. The whole shitting from your mouth thing is silly, and the Maxi's sublot in vatican isn't that interesting, but when it turns into an Atari game Pitfall and it's ridiculous again. Lastly I got to mention the General Surgeon's speech from the tv, especially the part "And I base that on absolutely nothing" really cracks me up. Good if bit of a crazy episode, I'll rate it 7/10.

Episode 9: Free Hat
This is also a decent episode. It mocks the remaking of films and such, which is good, because that is ass. There's lot less going on in this episode than the few before it, but still there's the "Free Hat" -subplot. Funny that the episode is named Free Hat, since it clearly is the secondary plot in this episode and the main point is about the movie remakes. There's not as much funny shit going on than like last episode, but still some golden moments, like Trey & Matt telling about rerelease of episode 1 and the parody of Raiders of the Lost Ark. I'll rate it 4/10.

Episode 10: Bebe's Boobs Destroy the Society
This is a classic! One of the episodes I have the most fond memories. I've seen it like four times now and it just doesn't lose it's power. It pretty much relies on one joke, but it so good that it's sweet. It's just great stuff. But to be honest, I think my judgement is a bit clouded. I watched this episode originally with my friends and we laughed the shit out ourselves for it, but now when you compare it to other great episodes, it's pretty much at the same level. The boys acting like apes is ludicrous. Their expressions are the best. The guys essays about Bebe are also great. It's so simple really, but yet so funny. The "ahta" stuff is also great. Great stuff. I don't know, I'm giving it 9/10, just fuck it.

This seems like Season Six is going to be the best by some distance, if this keeps up. Let's do one more, at least.

Episode 11: Child Abduction Is Not Funny
This is a dumb episode, and I'm not meaning that in a completely negative way, it's just that when there's something as random as mongolians ripping Great Wall of South Park down, it's really a bit retarded. But this episode has it's moments, the dumbness of this episode really show at the latter half of the episode when the parents send the kids away and find them later as mongolians. I felt just like Stan in the end. It's silly and rather cheap vehicle of humor. I'll still rate this episode 3/10.

I'd like to do more, but I really can't go all day watching South Park, so this is it for now.