Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kenny - Sex, Drugs and Rock N' Roll

It's hard not to like Kenny. Character that always dies, yet always comes back, and was supposed to have been killed of for good but still ressurrected again, because we just couldn't live without him. Kenny lives life to the fullest, probably because he knows that it'll, once again, end soon. It's not so easy to write about Kenny though. There's the obvious route to write about his deaths but much have been said about those and pretty much anybody knows Kenny dies, even those who don't watch the series. Since I don't want to write about his numerous deaths, my only alternative is to discuss his life, which is wild when he happens to live.

"That is the sickest thing I have ever fuckin' seen"
Kenny used to be pretty much a prop. But we always knew that he were more hardcore than the other boys. It was asserted early in the series that Kenny is foul-mouthed and he is the one to ask when there's sex-related vocabulary that needs some clarifying. For a long time though all Kenny would really do was dying. In "Rainforest Schmainforest" he finally gets some action - his first girlfriend and certainly not the last either. Though he has only had two so far when you think of it, Kelly and Tammy. The fact though is that they always get him killed. Kenny dies firts because of Kelly by spontaneous combustion and then Tammy kills him with syphillis. You'd guess though that Tammy won't be his last relationship.

"How can I calm down? You should've seen those titties."
Well, Kenny had a some sort of relationship to the lady in "Major Boobage", though she wasn't technically real.. Kenny's boob obsession is also one thing that has been well documented. Major boobage wasn't even the first time it happened, right off the bat I remember the "Lil Crime Stoppers" episode and Kenny's "sketches". Kenny's Most Wanted sign was on the wall and it consisted of drawings of big titted females. So Kenny's crazy for titties, but that's not the only thing he's crazy for.

"Well, I'm gonna give my grandfather a full-body sensual massage."
Kenny is, at times, literally krazy like in episode "Fat Camp", where he had his show. He'll do anything for money, but sometimes he'll do nasty stuff without that much of a reason. In "Volcano" he drinks gas and is all out hardcore during that episode. Then there's also the fact that Kenny does drugs too.

"I'm not ruining my life, okay."
Again we're referring back to "Major Boobage". Kenny's "cheesing" is the whole point of the episode. But there's other moments alike which show how Kenny is never afraid to do drugs. In "Cancelled" he snorts some of the stuff those executive aliens are doing. I'd love to list more examples, but you get the point and my brain hurts. So in conclusion, Kenny is one fucked up kid.

Best. Ending. Ever. This ended up bit on the short side, but I don't really have that much to say about Kenny. Next week Butters would be up, but like I said, I'll be taking november off.

Sorry that I'm late, I just couldn't write this shit yesterday. Just downloading the newest episode, I'll be back with the comments again in a short while. See ya.

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