Thursday, October 22, 2009

Stan & Kyle - The Gayest Moments

I didn't know if this was the best idea for writing when I came up with it and I'm not still sure, but here goes. This will not be long article anyway.

I had not heard about that StanxKyle -stuff until just recently so you might think I'm living under a rock. It's rock worth living under though. I mean I had stumbled upon the term but didn't know what it was about until recently and.. Damn, that's messed up. I can't really say that I could've thought of something like that. But it got me thinking if there were any really gay moments in the show.

"Goood boy. Now, don't be gay."
Stan's dog is/was gay (where's Sparky anyway?) and Stan didn't like it until he learned to accept that in "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" And there's no real point in delving into Stan's sexuality really more - I mean he had a crush on Miss Ellen and we've also seen how much he pukes around Wendy, so that's that. What about Kyle? Well, Kyle had his little thing going on with Rebecca in "Hooked on Monkey Phonics" and he turned him into a slut. If that isn't straight then what is? But it is obvious that it isn't their sexuality being questionable that springs stuff like stanxkyle up. In fact, it doesn't need to be anything on the series. I mean if it would be, then there would be CartmanxButters stuff rather, since Cartman has sucked Butters' penis and vice versa. Butters even gives Cartman a kiss in "Tonsil Trouble". But that's enough about that.

"Just best friends, best friends are we."
There could be though some matters that in the series support these gay ideas. The most obvious reason is of course the fact that Stan and Kyle are so close friends. Or are they? They spend most of their time together and trust each other most of the time. There has been some instances where the other haven't been so truthful to each other and some other where they've been flat out bad friends. Let's look more closely into that.

"I hate having Cartman as a best friend. "
We remember that in "Prehistoric Ice Man" they get into a row about the name of the frozen guy and in the end they decide to fight it out till death. In the end though they make up and there's quite a gay moment where they agree on hating Cartman. At least they didn't make out. There was also couple of instances in season three where Kyle didn't fit in with the rest of they guys and Stan was among the others to ridicule him. Then we have to go all the way to the "Bebe's Boobs Destroy the Society", where it was all vs. all for Bebe, but they were primates, so that doesn't count! There has been lot of small stuff, too much to really go on and list here so I'll just cut to the big one's. "South Park Is Gay", "The Mystery of the Urinal Deuce" and "Follow That Egg".

"You're straight like a freeway!"
In "South Park Is Gay" Kyle were really left out of the group when he didn't want to appear gay. Stuff like this has happened in other episodes like for example in "The List" where Kyle was thought of as the ugliest kid. But even then you didn't see Stan to take any part in it. Here though Stan abandon his friend. Kind of ironic, isn't it? It's like they were trying to make a subtle point and perhaps reacting to StanxKyle stuff (I doubt they really were thinking about that though, but perhaps). In "The Mystery of the Urinal Deuce" though nothing really friendship wrecking happens - except that Stan points gun at Kyle and takes part in a conspiracy deceiving Kyle.

"Yeah, well, so is your hat."
Well, they might view themselves as good friends but they're really not that 'good friends', mostly Stan isn't, that is. Final nail in that coffin is the "Follow That Egg" episode. The whole thing about Stan's jealousy of Wendy spending some time with Kyle makes Stan mad. But at the same time, episode has some subtle feel that Kyle and Stan are compared to gays - it's not even that subtle in the end when gays can marry because of their egg making it. But the gayest moment ever comes bit before that, when they finally make up again and following dialogue comes up:
Stan:Come on, buddy, let's go! [walks happily towards his door. Kyle steps forward, then stops]
Kyle:Stan... [Stan turns, then he turns away] Do you really think my hat is stupid?
Stan:[walks back and puts his left hand on Kyle's shoulder] As a matter of fact,... I think it is the nicest hat I've evern known.

I'm sorry, but that's pretty gay.

"I'm obviously just a crappy best friend to have."
So in the end, I didn't cover as much the gayness of Stan's and Kyle's relationship as I thought and it once again proved to be a pretty shitty article! Maybe I shouldn't always leave these to the last minute, though this wasn't best idea for an article to begin with. Anyways, thanks for reading this shit and have a good day/night/whatever.

PS. I'm currently downloading the newest episode so I'll write my first feelings about it here probably today. Also, since I already have these "columns" about Cartman, Stan and Kyle I figured out it would only be fair to do one on the other two most prominent characters; Butters and Kenny. I'll write the Butters one next week and then I'm going to break off from the schedule because I'm participating in NaNoWriMo and I really won't need then any more writing workload. I might still write the Kenny -article in november providing I have the time and ideas.

Any feedback will be appreciated, even moaning about grammar since I don't want to write bad English.

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