Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Season Two Goes On (Episodes 8-10)

Episode 8: Summer Sucks
This is another episode that's got nothing really special going on. I mean it's fun to watch when you got nothing better to do like all the other South Park episodes and there are couple of decent jokes, but there's still nothing special. On the storyline-side there's some stuff going on though, since Mr. Hat disappears. Chef's song "Simultaneous" is cool. Rating 2/10.

Episode 9: Chef's Salty Chocolate Balls
Well, pretty much everything of interest in this episode is Chef's Salty Chocolate Balls. I mean, everything revolving around Chef's balls must be good stuff, right? So it doesn't have that much of an interesting stuff going on but Chef's ideas and song are just great. There's couple of other decent jokes too, but on the overall there could have been much more. I mean, film festival setting leaves many potential jokes. But anyway, it's good episode, I'll rate it 4/10.

Episode 10: Chickenpox
Cartman singing "In the Ghetto" is just classic. If I remember correctly, there's proper version
of this song later on in the show , but I'm not sure, I'm not nerd enough to remember it. It's a decent episode, but like a few before it, it lacks the cutting edge. There's nothing as prominent jokes as "Chef's balls" going on. Though I have to say that the asstransplans-thing on Terrance & Phillip is ludicrous. I'll rate this episode 2/10.

These were short ones, but didn't care to write anything about the plot since most of you remember then anyway and didn't have much to say about it anyway.

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