Friday, January 30, 2009

Season Two Cooler (Episodes 17 & 18)

Episode 17: Gnomes
This is a fairly good episode. It's not one of the greatest, but it still a bit better than what the standard has been so far. The episode addresses corporate takeovers as it's more serious side. The more comical side of the episode are Mr. Tweek's constant metaphors about his coffee and the whole debate. The Prop 10 commercial is amusing. It's hard to say anything else about this episode, it had few good jokes amongst those but nothing worth mentioning. I'll give this episode 4/10.

Episode 18: Prehistoric Ice Man
I don't know about this episode. It tries to be funny with treating 1996 guy as "Prehistoric Ice Man", but for me it didn't work. Most of the time you're just frustrated by the absurd idiotism of people treating 1996 guy like animal. Well, at least the part where he met his former wife raised some smiles on me. So I guess this falls into the 1-category of the ratings. It's watchable, but that's it. 1/10.

Revision: I don't know, the Britney's new look -episode set the bar much lower, so in fact I'd think it's more of a 2/10 episode. It's a bit dull, but still, I had good time watching it again. Besides, there's pretty unique Kyle-Stan -dynamic here. I wasn't as frushtrated as I was in my original viewing for this episode's absurdities, guess I'm getting used to it.

So, second season is now finished reviewing. It averaged rating of 3,33. So it's worse than first season, but not by that much after all. But maybe there's some truth in the fact that movie affected season two.

I guess I also watch the movie again and give it too review since it has it's place in the South Park timeline. The movie was released in the middle of the third season, but I guess it was pretty much made before the season started - so it's next in line. But not today.

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