Wednesday, January 21, 2009

South Park Nerd

Hi. I'm the South Park Nerd. I'm just a guy who loves South Park and doesn't seem to get enough it. At least nowadays, that is. Don't get me wrong, I don't like everything in South Park. But to be honest I think of it as one of the best shows that there is on tv, if not the best.

I've watched every episode at least once. But now at the same time I start this blog, I'm going to start viewing the whole 12 seasons again - and reflect on my experience of every South Park episode and review every episode. Why am I doing this, you ask? Why the hell can't I just watch the fuckin' episodes? Why I must do some faggy blogging on it?

To be honest, I don't even myself know. I guess that at least part of it is just to find answer to why I like South Park so much as I do, and some of it must be of finding the best and worst episodes. But anyway, I should be doing something useful with my time, instead I'm watching South Park episodes and writing a god damn essays of the episodes. Whatever, I can do what I want.

But enough of that bullcrap about thinking why I am doing this, let's talk something about South Park and my relationship with it. As you probably can tell if you have read this far, I'm a fan of the show. But I've become such only recently. I've known South Park of course pretty much since it started (well, I'd be living under a rock had I not known it) and I always enjoyed watching the show, but not like nowadays. I'd just watch it sometimes when it came on tv (I live in Finland, so it's been on air bit irregurarly and with big delays to american premieres). Only recently I decided to sit through the whole 12 seasons - and now I want to do it again.

Now I guess that since you've read this far, you really do give a crap what I have to say, so let's put in some opinions to finish off this post. My favourite character is obviously Cartman, at least he entertains me most and I guess I'm not alone in this though Cartman is mostly an antagonist in the series. Kenny is my second favourite for some odd reason. If I'd be a South Park character, I'd probably be Tweek. I mean, I'm not that neurotic of course, but I would be if I'd live in South Park.

On the series overall there's only one issue I'd like to address at this point of my shitty blog is my growing disconcern about Cartman & Kyle's relationship. I mean right from the beginning they were always ripping on each other, but it has gotten worse in the newer episodes. I guess I am a pussy, but I like'd the lighter stuff more. There's also other thing about Cartman that distrupts me, but I think I gotta left something to write in future posts too.

Lastly there is this thing that I'm non-native, English is only my second language, so try to understand and not be to harsh, but I don't mind you commenting some grammatical mistakes. Otherwise I'll never learn. Oh yeah and there's this thing, I really would have rather been South Park Fan or something like that, but some retard had taken those blogspots already and I rather just be instead of, if you know what I mean. So nerd it is, just like War Nerd and Angry Video Game Nerd. I wouldn't want to be a nerd, but what can I do? The fact is that I am a fuckin' nerd. It's midnight and I'm sitting at my computer writing some stuff that nobody gives a shit. I'm covered all over in sweat because of intense typing is being too much to my physical condition. All right, that's enough, that's grotesque.

So anyways that't all folks. For now, at least.

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