Monday, January 26, 2009

Season Two (Episodes 1-3)

Episode 1: Terrance and Phillip Not Without My Anus
Now I'm not a fan of Terrance and Phillip and I doubt that anyone is that much of a their fan. So to think this comes in just when everyone was anticipating to see who's Cartman's father, I can only imagine the dissapointment. So it's a whole episode of Terrance and Phillip and it pretty much farting. Nothing funny here. One of the worst episodes made. I mean, I know that the whole episode is a joke itself, since it was aired on April Fool's day, but still. Well, there's one positive, the theme music at least is cool, too bad we hear it only at the beginning and at the ending credits. 1/10

Episode 2: Carman's Mom Is Still a Dirty Slut
While the first part of this two-episode story was a classic, I think this second part doesn't live up to the expectation. According to the Wikipedia this episode was rushed due to fans getting angered by the Terrance and Phillip-episode and I guess it goes to show. This episode relies heavily on repetition. There's the running gag "Who shot Mephesto?" "Who build the pyramids", etc. and Cartman's mom misunderstanding abortion. Se then sleeps with congressman, governor and finally the president. Nothing that funny that would make this a classic episode, but it's still an important episode in the South Park timeline revealing that Cartman's dad is his mom. Now that's fucked up right there. So it's and anti-climatic ending to all that wait. I rate this 3/10, despite all the negatives. There's a few decent jokes after all.

Episode 3: Chickenlover
As a whole, this episode is nothing special. But the Cops-spoofing that goes on and expecially the scenes involving Cartman are just classic. The whole setting in this episode is plain absurd. At least boys acknowledge it in the end when the book mobile driver tells about his master plan. Simply because of the Cartman-scenes, I'll give it 4/10.

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