Sunday, February 1, 2009

Season Three Startup (Episodes 1-4)

Episode 1: Rainforest Schmainforest
Well, the impression that this episode leaves me with is not that good, but when you think about it, this episode is a fairly good satire about environmentalists. The song that the choir is singing is totally gay, but I guess it's supposed to be. One thing I would like the point out is that Craig is much funnier in this episode than what my impression of him later developed, when he got more prominent role in the series. He's only flipping the bird in the episode, but that's really enough to make it funny. Other funny thing about this episode was the Cartman's trait of hitting animals once again. This review is rather disjointed. So what's my point.. It's a memorable episode with some fair satire, but guess I've seen this too many times because it left me a bit cold. I'll give it 3/10.

Episode 2: Spontaneous Combustion
I like this episode, but there's one thing that disturbs me in it. The creators seem to have mixed up ozone depletion and global warming. I guess that's common, but since this is popular series they really should get the facts straight. I mean, c'mon. There's lots of things that aren't possible of course but most of those don't disturb me because they don't really matter or they're used as a joke, but this was just a bit frustrating error. Anyway, the whole erection-discussion is hilarious from the start, especially when they talk in the street and bystanders overheard things like "I just want an erection to give it to my mom". It's great stuff, like Randy's random dreaming-scenes are. So it's a decent episode, I gotta give it 5/10.

Episode 3: The Succubus
Well, it's not that good of an episode. But at least there's the classic three-fiddy -thing going on and Cartman gets ridiculous glasses. But there's not really that much funny things going on in this episode, it pretty much relies on the three-fiddy. It's more of just hoping Chef to get back to his senses. I don't know what else to say, so let's rate it.. 2/10

Episode 4: Tweek vs. Craig
Now this is a good episode. Mr. Adler is introduced, he's not that great of a character, but the screwing around thing at least tries to be funny. The live action parts about his old love are ridiculous. But the main thing of course in this episode is the fight. It takes it's time to happen though, since neither Tweek nor Craig really want to fight. The scene with the whole of Craig's family flipping to each other is great. Then there's the training part for the fight, both side's got great moments. In Tweek's training, the Ned's comment of "whatcha got biatch" is hilarious. The whole Cartman doing sumo in Craig's training is just classic. The fight itself is rather anti-climatic. The going was much more hardcore in "Breast Cancer Show Ever", when Wendy and Cartman got it going on. Though, I guess Wendy hates Cartman more than Craig and Tweek each other. But yeah it's a best episode of season three so far, I'll rate it 7/10

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