Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Season Four Continuation (Episodes 5-12)

It's been a while since last update, that next episode really turns me off. Besides, I've had other things to do lately. But let's get on with it. I'm in a hurry if I'm going to have reviewed all the episodes before season 13 starts airing.

Episode 5: Great Expectations
I don't know. Now watching it again it doesn't seem that bad. It's not South Park and that's the biggest letdown of it, but it still has it's merits. Malcolm McDowell is nice touch as a british person and he really gets you into the story. The Characters are also pretty good, so exaggerated that it works. The ending is just ludicrous, I don't know how "Great Expectations" ended, but certainly not that way. If I were into that kind of literature, I might check out the novel, but since I'm not, I'll do with the info I got from this episode. It's really hard episode to rate, since it's so different from other episodes. It's kinda good but in a different way than other South Parks. I don't know, I'll give it 4/10.

Revision: My scale is again a bit off. It's not as bad as people say, but compared to the other episodes, it really only deserves 3/10.

Episode 6: Cartman Joins NAMBLA
This is a bit sub-standard episode. The whole idea has much more potential that is used, instead you see some random doorshit or Kenny's dad taking a dump or puking half of an episode. That's not really what we want to see, but the concept is pretty good and this episode still has it's moments. Kenny's trouble with new child -sublot is kinda boring. I'll rate this episode.. 3/10.

Episode 7: Cherokee Hair Tampons
I don't really care for this episode either too much. The best part of it is Garrison's novel excerpts. The whole Kyle dying and Stan being sad on contrast to the reactions of Kenny dying isn't all that funny really. But it's good to make fun of all this spiritual healing -shit. It sucks. For rating, I'll give it 2/10.

Revision: I really didn't give this episode the thought it deserved. It wasn't the most hilarious episode and the Stan-Kenny relations weren't funny, but they were interesting enough. Besides, there's some funny shit that I didn't mention in my original review, like milk coming from Cartman's nose and Cartman's answer, when Stan originally asked for his kidney. I move it up to 4/10. It's very decent episode after all.

Episode 8: Chef Goes Nanners
This episode's subject isn't that interesting, but it turns out as a rather good episode. There are plenty of good jokes. The Klu Klux Klan -jokes and especially the Cartman & Wendy affair. When I think of Cartman's and Wendy's relationship, I always remember their fight from the "Breast Cancer Show Ever", but this is something quite different. The best part of it is the Wendy's dream of Cartman, it's just ridiculous. The ending works, I guess. It made me feel bad for Cartman.. On the other hand, I don't want South Park to make me feel bad. Whatever, I'll rate it 6/10.

Episode 9: Something You Can Do With Your Finger
This episode starts up with a bang.. fingerbang. I'm sorry about that. Well, it's another fairly good episode. Boyband shit is enough to keep you entertained and what could be better than boyband named Fingerbang? The song's lyrics kick ass. I love especially the Cartman's solo part. The start is the best part of the episode, unfortunately. There's few decent jokes along the way, but the true climax is right at the beginning. Kind of a downside. I'll rate it 5/10 anyway.

Episode 10: Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?
This is a two-part serial. The priest scares the shit out of the childen and they end up being all religious. Meanwhile there's the subplot from hell, Satan's complicated relationships getting settled. It's nothing too funny, until the end, where Cartman starts to get the show going on.. But it's entertaining, even if there isn't too much amusement you're not getting bored since the plot is easily accessible. I'll rate it 3/10.

Well, that was a bit sub-par review, but I feel like writing couple of more, so why not..

Episode 11: Probably
Alright, to the second part. It's pretty much the same, solid stuff. I guess there could have been more potential again in this setup, but it's still decent. Nothing special really standing out for me, maybe God's and Satan's conversation but even that really isn't too funny. I'm gonna go for the rating of 3/10 again.

I'm starting to get tired, so only one episode more.

Episode 12: 4th Grade
This is a classic. So the boys finally move on to the fourth grade. But Cartman points out that in the third grade everything was better. And he sings about it. That's gotta be one of the best moments of the series. The song is so over-sentimental that you can't help but to laugh. Mrs. Choksondik just makes me sick. There are also Star Wars -references, the plot develops with Mr. Garrison's sexuality and all that stuff. That's all, I rate it 7/10.

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