Sunday, February 8, 2009

Season Four Starter (Episodes 1-4)

Alright, I read through all of my reviews and removed some typos and other mistakes. I guess from now on I am proofreading my reviews right after I write them. Now we can get to the season four, finally.

Episode 1: Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000
Season Four starts with a bang. Cartman gets sent to Juvenile hall after committing a hate crime against Token. From there on the references to the prison-movies and series start. There's also the subplot of girls vs. boys on sledding and the whole campaigning against hate crime laws. There's also bunch of very good jokes thrown into the mix. Butters' thrashtalking just cracks me up. Then there's the ridiculous chase and the Cartman shitting stuff parts. Clyde taking up Cartman's place is just classic, especially at the end when he shouts out "GODDAMMIT!" Cartman is overall great in this episode, he's speech at the about adjusting again to normal life and all that. A very nice episode, I'll rate it 7/10.

Episode 2: Tooth Fairy TAT's 2000
This episode is not as good as the first one, but still a fair one. The scenes with the sad music where the boys realize that tooth fairy isn't real are great. Cartman saying "tits" all the time is also hilarious. The mafia movie -references also add a nice touch to the episode. Then there's another Chef's song, nice to have one of those in a long while, this one is unique also because it's little Chef with high-pitched voice. Cartman's standard traits when he is acting a fairy are also funny ("Or else I will kick you in the nuts.. Square in the nuts"). Kyle's existencial crisis is pretty fucked up. I guess that's all, time to rate it.. 5/10.

Episode 3: Quintuplets 2000
I don't know about this episode. It's not that bad, I guess, but lacks something. Romania is portrayed pretty badly, but it's only a joke anyway. This episode was noted for it's fast reaction to the recent events. It has decent jokes but nothing that's really standing out for me. One bad thing though that stands out is the love scene.. I mean that's just grotesque. I really can't rate this episode anything better than 2/10, even though Kenny doing opera is good stuff.

Episode 4: Timmy 2000
This is a classic episode that established Timmy as a one of the major characters in the show. There's good message in this episode, more Phil Collins mockery and of course the great song that Timmy's band does. There's also the Ritalin thing going on.. Good episode. Not really too much need of saying anything else. I'll give it 7/10.

I would probably do couple of more, but I'm not too much of a fan of the next episode so I'll leave it 'til next time

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