Monday, May 9, 2011

Season Fifteen - Episodes 1-2 - First Impressions

It's been nearly 6 months since my last post here, I've been concentrating on other cartoons lately. I'm planning a South Park fansite which should be up by fall or at least winter.

Meanwhile, let's take a look at the two episodes of the new season.

Human Centipad:
What. The. Fuck. Seriously, if this is gonna be the standard, just stop the show now. I write a lot of random shit, but I could never write anything as terrible as this is. B-plot with Cartman was mildly amusing for some moments, but the mainplot... Are they really that out of ideas? Even my idiot brother, who normally likes this kind of lowbrow humor thought it reeked. I thought that Simpsons' Apple episode was mediocre and Futurama's one somewhat decent, but this takes the cake as a worst Apple-based episode and also possibly as the worst episode ever in South Park. Only thing funny for me was Cartman's talking in the car to try to get his mom to change her mind. The things about fucking seemed really forced but I'd much rather had listened to that the whole episode than watched that Centipad plot. Terrible, boring, too much weird shit... It sucked.

Oh god. I wasted nearly and hour of my life with barely any moments of funnyness. I mean I can get it if they are not funny any more, but could you at least have sensible lots. I miss it when South Park had down-on-earth plots just revolving around the kids and the town's folk. Not fuckin' Germans and comedy scene. It plainly sucked, abandon all hope for this season being any good. South Park is fuckin' worse than Simpsons - as in, modern South Park vs. modern Simpsons. I just sat stone-faced all episode, just praying it would end soon. I don't know whether these take the cake as a worst episode ever, but this is at least worst sequence of two episodes ever.

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