Monday, May 16, 2011

Season 15, Episode 3 - First Impressions

Wow. I mean... The last couple of seasons has been pretty quick deterioration, but I couldn't see them hitting rock bottom this way right at the start of this season. It's like they have retards writing the show and Matt & Trey either don't give a shit or something has happened to their heads so that they don't realize it fuckin' sucks.

Whole subplot with Mr. Mackey... What the fuck. He was completely out of character, even with the ridiculous explanation. It's like they should have put Mr. Garrison to that role. But still, it wouldn't have worked.

Besides, couldn't they have come up with a better way to take the princess away than fuckin' blue cube just floating her away? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!!

Only good moment of the episode - and therefore the season so far was the start of the royal wedding. The commentary and all were funny for a moment. It got overstreched though and then it just all went to hell. Fuck.

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