Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Season Fourteen, Episode Twelve - First Impressions

Season Fourteen winds down and we're treated with another quite mediocre episode. This was better than the last, but still, the quality is not acceptable. But it seems that they're not going to drag on for many seasons like the Simpsons, so hopefully it'll all end soon. It's weird to find yourself hoping one of your favorite series ends, just two years ago I would've had none of that stuff. Anyway, one of the problems of this episode was the reveal of Mysterion's identity. I guess that's going to split opinions but I think part of Mysterion's charm was that we didn't know who he was. Still it looked like the episode could amount to something considering Kenny. There was looong and boring scene when Cartman was on Ctulhu's belly - why did it go on so long? It felt like forever. And the episode is inconclusive? Does this mean we're going to see threeparter of this shit? There was mildly amusing Cartman song and couple of jokes hit the target. The episode was visually pleasing as well, but that's it. Mediocre stuff.

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