Thursday, October 14, 2010

Season Fourteen, Episode Nine - First Impressions

Well, I can honestly say that this is different series that the show was in it's golden era, there's just the same characters. That was crazy. I kind of liked it in parts, but overall it just got way overboard and in the end the plot was predictable, well except the Osama killing. I kinda hoped that in the end ceremony when Osama was thanked that Stan would say "Dude, this is pretty fucked up right here", but of course that haven't been said for about ten years.

What I am trying to say: Overall, it wasn't bad, it was actually very decent and funny, but it's just not the same series any more. South Park has always been crazy shit, but they can't go any more crazier and I don't think they should. Improvement over last week's episode.

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