Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A New Blog

The Simpsons Junkie
Not that anyone is interested, I had started a new blog. As I said I've been lately watching the Simpsons and now that has caused physical and mental addiction to it, similar to what I had back in late 2008 with the South Park. Therefore it's only natural for me to start a similar blog about it. I'll keep posting on this obviously.

This project has been very enjoyable for me, even though I didn't attain a big readership. I wrote for myself and that will be the philosophy in my new blog too. I now have so much knowledge on South Park that I think I could take on the biggest fans of the show and still hold my own. I don't know if I still deserve the name South Park Nerd, but at least I don't struggle with the continuity as much as the show's writers themselves seem to struggle. That's not saying much, though.

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