Saturday, March 27, 2010

Season Fourteen, Episode Two First Impressions.

Well.. It was vulgar, it was foul, it was crude.. It was brilliant. I loved the idea of boys writing a book and the implementation was decent too. Funny how you can describe the episode pretty much like they described the book in the episode. The plot was well constructed for once and there was no total fuck-ups like recently has been the custom. Also the message was there and for once it was pretty valid not just Trey Parker pushing the meanings that he wants for words or shit like that. It got the nearest to early South Parks that the show has gotten in ages. Good shit. Hope they can keep this up.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Season Fourteen, Episode One First Impressions

Is is just me or were the plots in South Park always this crazy? I mean it seems that recently they just make the craziest combinations. In terms of message the episode was very basic and therefore too basic to be really that funny. Also I thought Butters was more annoying than funny with his obsession, but it got better. I have to say though that I loved the glancing eyes and the Tiger Woods PGA Tour etc. It's still decentish.