Friday, August 7, 2009

Ratings Revisited Vol. 1

Here's the list of the revisions that I've made:
Season One
Weight Gain 4000 4 -> 5
Death 2 -> 3
Starvin' Marvin 6 -> 5
Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo 2 -> 4

Season Two
Conjoined Fetus Lady 2 -> 4
The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka 1 -> 3
Cow Days 1 -> 2
Prehistoric Ice Man 1 -> 2

Season Three
Sexual Harassment Panda 1 -> 2

Season Four
Great Expectations 4 -> 3
Cherokee Hair Tampons 2 -> 4
Wacky Molestation Adventure 8 -> 7

Season Five
Scott Tenorman Must Die 4 -> 5

Season Six

Season Seven
Cancelled 3 -> 4

Season Eight
AWESOM-O 2 -> 4

Season Nine
The Losing Edge 8 -> 6
The Death of Eric Cartman 9 -> 7
Two Days Before Day After Tomorrow 3 -> 2
Trapped in the Closet 5 -> 4
Bloody Mary 3 -> 2

Season Ten

Season Eleven

Season Twelve
The Pandemic 7 -> 6
About Last Night 5 -> 4

New Seasonal Standings (old rating) (old ranking):
Season Six 5,29 (5,29) (1.)
Season Four 4,82 (4,82) (3.)
Season Ten 4,71 (4,71) (4.)
Season Eleven 4,57 (4,57 (5.)
Season Five 4,5 (4,43) 7.)
Season Nine 4,43 (4,93) (2.)
Season Eight 4,43 (4,43) (8.)
Season Twelve 4,36 (4,5) (6.)
Season Seven 4,33 (4,27) (9.)
Season Three 4,24 (4,18) (10.)
Season One 4,15 (3,92) (11.)
Season Two 3,67 (3,39) (12.)

Season Nine took the heaviest hit due to multiple episodes getting a small fine-tuning to lower ratings. The average of all episodes rose from the 4,42 to ashtounishing 4,43. Lower end also improved, but not enough to change the order of the episodes. Though if there would've been very major changes, there really would've been something signifigantly wrong in my original ratings.

Revision I Didn't Make
Was Bebe's Boobs Destroy the Society being rated 9/10. I really considered lowering it, since I rarely see it listed as people's favorites. But I couldn't make it, because I just have a hard-on for Bebe's boobs.

I know I overrate it, but fuck it, this is my ratings anyway.

I doubt my revisions will be left here, but for now that's enough for me. But what I think I need to do is to give proper explaining on the ratings. I mean when people see I rated episode 3/10, they will think that I thought that the episode really sucked. Unless, of course, they have read my first post, which stated:
"I'll be giving each episode a review and then rating on scale 1-10. 1 being "Well, it's South Park so it can't be that bad" and 10.. well, *insert insanely positive adjective here*. I'll be giving most episodes probably low rating, but it doesn't mean that the episodes were that bad, I'll just be using this kind of shit scale. I aim that 5 would be average, but well see where it is when this is over."

I'm now going to give something more exact as now the meaning of different ratings has formed in my head:
1 = Pretty bad episode. If I remember correctly, there's only couple of these.
2 = Still bad for a South Park, but If I have 22 minutes and nothing better to do, I might as well give it a watch and be entertained.
3 = Fairly decent episode. In my head, this is the lowest "positive" rating. If I liked episode overall it will be 3 or over.
4 = Good episode. Might ever be a minor classic, but doens't quite life to it's potential.
5 = The bar for "average" was set pretty high, since rating 5 episodes are all very good already. They just lack little something to make them really great.
6 = Great episode, unique or just so funny that's it's really either a classic, or I just liked it really, really much.
7 = I'm not finding enough superlatives and there's still few ratings left. This it definitely an excellent episode, and a clear classic.
8 = One of the best episodes ever.
9 = Absolutely amazing episode, that I can't get enough.
10 = Perfect episode - so far to be seen and I doubt any will ever get this rating. Maybe a fail from my part to not have episodes with rating 10, though what I could do is to rescale my original ratings and have one episode have 10, and promote some of 8 episodes to 9 etc... But I'm not going to do that, so we'll going to wait eagerly for this kind of episode.

That's all for now.